Details For Blizzards legal department

Delete please blizz. No longer need thread open

You again? Why don’t you just ask them?

You know you’re just wasting time, so why even bother?


Will be on the website somewhere.

Good luck with your endeavour.

Just need the details. Not your input.

Still salty because your bg had lag?

If you are in a serious need to contact blues you would dedicate time and effort to find contacts page, which is available to anyone.
For meme requests you have these forums.


If you were serious you’d have that info.

Amateur troll


Blizzard Entertainment S.A.S., a French company having its registered office at 145 rue Yves Le Coz, 78000 Versailles, France

Good luck chuck.

Thanks mate much appreciated.

Blizz you can close this thread now thanks. See you in court.

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They are so scared bro…


So are weekends also being extended to Tuesdays??


Sue themmm

Its Lockdown, every day is the weekend… Given their previous posts I doubt they have a legal issue to actually raise, so this is just flag waving,


See you in court?

Come on now, the most it’ll be is an exchange of letters where you ultimately get told that you have no legal claim.

You’re not going to be in the box testifying while Ion watches nervously, whispering to his lawyer, fearing his cross examination.


Lets be fair, Ion’s job before starting at Blizz just at the time WotLK was released, was as a New York Lawyer. You know how slick those people are. I doubt he’d even bother hiring a Lawyer but just say “I’ll defend myself in court” and probably be pretty safe…

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someone watched too many episodes of LA Law


Imagine thinking your life is an episode of Suits :man_facepalming:

Stop spoiling my vision of OP standing in court and yelling at the blizz representative “THE TRUTH? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!” whilst everyone in the court just stares at him and dials the nearest asylum.


He won’t be defending himself, the case won’t be against him personally. Blizzard as a company will have a legal team, as will Activision.

And being a lawyer is one thing, but there are many different types. If he’s a divorce lawyer, for example, it’s not going to help in a litigation case about an underperforming spec in a computer game.

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