Determine if the player is subject of @mouseover, @target etc

Hi, I am trying to build a macro that does something else when

  1. The mouse is over the player
  2. the mouse is over any other group member

In a simplified version, I have this but it does not behave as I want.

/cast [@mouseover,@player]Barkskin
/cast [@mouseover,help]Ironbark

I believe the reason is that [@mouseover,@player] is not saying if the mouse is over the player but rather, if there is a mouseover and the player exists. Since the player always exists, that second /cast line is a dead logic branch.

Is there a way to know wether specifically the player is subject of the mouseover?

You can’t test if you’re mousing over a specific unit (ie player) you can only test if they’re help/harm, dead/not.

This will cast Ironbark if you’re mousing over a non-dead friendly target (including yourself) and otherwise cast Barkskin.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Ironbark; Barskin

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes thats what I already have as a workaround. I did simply my macro on purpose to capture the essence of the question.

My actual macro looks like this, which also takes care of targeting a player since you cant just use a fallback empty condition for this.

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead]Ironbark; [] Barkskin

At least I know now where the limits are in this regard. Thanks again.

@mouseover works on player portraits in the group panel, which means checking for whether you mouse over another player in your group or yourself is redundant

/cast [group,exists,help,@mouseover] Ironbark; [@player] Barkskin

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