“Consume Flame damage is now increased by Scorching Embers.” This should have been the case anyway. Although, I must say, it does absolutely blast now. Flameshaper AOE has become VERY attractive. For Flameshaper to be the choice, I propose a small 15-25% buff to Engulf’s base damage. It feels as if it doesn’t even matter which enemy it is cast on in AOE, as Consume Flame will literally hit for more damage (even more so the case if it crits and engulf does not), whereas I believe it should feel more like a huge prio target blast OR a big boss blast. Alternatively, change Firestorm. Make Firestorm be cast on an enemy (like recent Shadow Crash/Earthquake/Rain of Fire changes), follow the enemy (like Entropic Rift or Lunar Storm’s recent change), and make it buff Engulf’s damage alongside dots. I do not see why other specs are getting these QOL changes, yet you are buffing Firestorm EVERY patch without addressing the actual reasons as to why it is not used.
How can you balance this against Disintegrate, if ST damage ends up too good? Nerf Disintegrate’s base damage, but buff Scalecommander’s Unrelenting Siege talent.
“Draconic Instincts chance to trigger from smaller damage events has been significantly increased.” This is great, it was essentially useless and now it might be more useful but this buff doesn’t change the fact that the damage still has to be taken to be healed. Put Lifecinders back up to 100% effectiveness (for Devastation only, to give us some edge) and make Draconic Instincs a flat, consistent heal-back for 20-30% of damage taken. Maybe nerf it for PVP if that is a concern. For PVE, especially M+, the spec is ridiculously squishy when compared to its counterpart which has Defy Fate, Chrono Ward, Stretch Time, Symbiotic Bloom and so on. Having Devastation be squishy is entirely contradictory to the ‘fantasy’ of being a big, strong, tanky mid-range-melee-caster dragon. Especially when Pres and Aug are far from squishy.
I know it may be too much to ask, but some sort of explanation of the Dev’s intentions with Devastation would be fantastic. Pres and Aug get pretty regular positive changes with clarifying explanations from developers. I don’t understand why this can’t happen at all for Dev.