Developers seems dont get Blood tree

Minor improvemnts while same problems staying… Too many dead talents. Like to take rapid decomposition, we need take useless talents (even new one useless talent - ossified vitriol. What talents like leeching strike, blood tap and blood feast is still doing in game ? its even funny because i think devs knows how bad talents are and just moved far far away to left side to be complilty forgoten. Shattering bone talent just 1 rank. our main damage source is from shattering bone in m+ and you reducing in half. Gorefiesnd gasp even with 1.5 min cd is tooo tooo long to be spent two talent points in it… How always blood devs doing terrible job…


I think the right side of the tree, and generally the bottom looks good. But the left side seems very lackluster/weak.

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Ummm i hope blizz didint forget that they work is not done with Blood DK ?

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