@devs, restore Rend - Blizzard forgot they made a fix and broke something that they already fixed

The “fix” you just rolled out references an issue (the one from 17th of april) that was already solved, but apparently not closed.

There were no Overpower procs missing, there’s a wealth of logs that can attest it.

As documented in the github link below by Zor/Zoristaken
additional rend ticks are consistent with original Cataclysm behaviour. Please take a look at what he posted.

Don’t let this be another case like Anub adds, where you ignore proof for “reasons(?)”

Either revert this second, unwarrented, fix that has no grounds and is probably born off internal miscommunication or cook some compensatory buff.
With this change you have nerfed Arms (which was an okay spec, nothing out of hand) substantially on single target and massively on aoe. Also you further put in the dirt Protection, a spec that already sees less than 3% of total tank play (and no #somechanges in sight, even though the playerbase was told different in an interview before Cataclysm Classic started, or before Wotlk classic started)

Everyone would love to just go back to before you broke an original Cataclysm interaction. The first fix you made early on in the expansion (and apparently forgot) hit the mark and was effective in achieving rend+mortal strike/thunderclap their proper original interactions

TLDR don’t fix what’s not broken, start from stuff still broken

P.S: for anyone reading, if you wanna look at the sources/links, just swap [dot] with a dot in the url

Edit: Blizzard listened and went back on this change, issue is resolved



Never have I ever had a problem with missed out OP procs as suggested by Blizzard QA in the response to this recent bug filing.

As you say, the first fix that was released early days of Cata Classic was on point. Bring that back.

Seconding the concern around Protection. We weren’t in a very strong position to begin with, but manageable. With the removal of rend ticks from Thunder Clap we are a wet noodle. I’ve noticed a lot of players dropping from my Protocol Inferno groups as a consequence of me playing Protection Warrior, they keep telling me to “git gud” and “play bdk”.

You’ve made this warrior sad. I’d wager I’m not alone.


Its great they are finally nerfing arms a bit. Now they need to buff Fury and make it a more viable PvE specc again! I recommend lowering the rage cost of BT by atleast 3 rage points, would be a very good start.

Made an account to echo Bariles sentiment. This seems like an oversight or a mistake. The issue with missed Overpower procs has been solved since pretty much release, ask any warrior player. All this does is pretty severely nerf a class that doesnt need it, and also almost completely kills protection warrior. Prot warrior is likely already the WORST class altogether in Cataclysm classic. Imo this change should be reverted or compensatory buffs instated


Fury was never fun. Arms always been the big boy spec. Best Warrior expansion by far.

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