DF is the best expansion since MoP

I used to play WoW until MoP, then I quit very early on in WoD because it was unplayable, both balancing and class design wise. In Legion I lasted a bit longer, but eventually quit due to the same balancing issues and boring gameplay.

I then returned for BfA and actually played that through. Despite playing the entire expansion, I must say that the gearing, the balancing and the corruption were all pretry terrible, I had fun though because DK was finally good for once.
Then in SL things got worse to the point where I quit and I didn’t even want to play the release of DF.

Now I recently returned in DF and I must say I enjoy this a lot more than any of the expansions that came after MoP:

  • Gearing is very good, catching up is great and being able to customize your stats is what has been missing in the last few expansions.
  • Every class can do something in arenas, it’s still unbalanced but atleast you can actually do damage on every class now
  • Solo Shuffle is a great concept that could be even better with some fixes.
  • Class Design is pretty solid too, better than in the xpacs before

Fixes needed:

  • Balancing could still be better, DK is still a complete victim class for example. Even though I don’t play it anymore, I feel bad for people who are still sticking to it
  • MMR needs more inflation every season in all brackets. Healer MMR needs to be looked at in Shuffle and playing at the start of a season often feels pretty pointless if you want rewards
  • A stricter punishment system is needed for griefers and cheaters, especially in solo shuffle
  • Some class designs need to be looked at, I’m not a fan of all those micro cc’s nowadays. Rdruid is pretty well designed imo whereas DK is designed very poorly. MM hunter is pretty cool but stuff like FW is extremely toxic for the game
  • 3v3 drink spam meta is very unfun

If I had to give ratings based on the experience I’ve had when I played, I’d roughly give:

  • MoP 8.5/10
  • WoD 2/10
  • Legion 5/10
  • BfA 4/10
  • SL 1/10
  • DF 6.5-7/10

It depends on a lot of point, df isn’t that bad but they somehow gave up at some point.

The only thing that annoys me the most is the overwhelming amount of micro cc and the crazy amount of immunity and stuff useable in stun.
Playing a setup comp is a nightmare it’s close to impossible to win cause there is always something they can use.

Ofc the amount of gap closer that went out of control.

It’s the same story every xpac so I’m getting used to it, unforch m+ design is the priority in this game.


Yep I agree, its not that bad. As before mentioned mobility and micro cc a lil bit too much.
My main problem is long q time and thats enough for me to not play as much .

That was peak Drae content right there

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Dragonflight is actually the worst expansion of all time because it was responsible for killing arena by adding solo suffle. Now instead of rmp vs jungle, sp lock vs turbo etc you get to play enhance arcane mage vs dh sub rogue type of clown skirmish stuff, its not real arena and just comes down to luck on what kind of lobby u get

q up mm hunter, get 3 casters, free 6-0
q up mm hunter, get 3 melees, free 0-6

and so on


sorry in advance for my English, I’m not English)

the solo shuffle is “cool” but it’s not the solo q that the players asked for
solo q like on private serv, you find a companion and you do either 2s or 3s
Yes you are at a disadvantage because it’s random but you can play it in this format if you want solo, it increases the q, in short it’s very good

Dk runes, dk gcd 1sec, dk stance, did you really play dk to mop? you can’t say that
I know dk very well, I played a gladiator on all the expansions woth this class ;and the dk gameplay was really at its best state at mop. And then I would say cata and wod (I’m talking about gameplay)
Legion/bfa comes later but the gameplay has been simplified and made it more boring
Wotlk’s gameplay was nice but I don’t really know where to rank it
in sl and df, they return spells but the gameplay is very messy, 3/4 gcd for burst, it’s not fun, it’s not fluid, in short it’s bad.

For df (all gameplay class): and I personally find that the sl gameplay (s1 and s2) was much better because much less passif

after I think that the wod gear was even better because there was no class set, and the legendary was also disactived

blizzard hate dk. the classe were never strong like rogue or mage hl (and don’t tell me about s5, it was 15 years ago)
In s3 of df, no dk was able to have their R1 in Europe

drinking is part of the skillscap of the game, like knowing how to rebuff, the problem comes from elsewhere (passive, instant, mobility) (and ofc shadowmeld)

I agree

cited extensions don’t make sense, it’s smarter to show seasons (and each person has their own experience)

for me, sl (end s1 after patch) , wod s3 , s10 (cata) , s15 (mop) , s6 (légion) ,s1 bfa (end after patch) /s2 bfa s2/s3 df was a lot of fun were the best experience, but ofc there were also absurd and vile things

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also because of shadowmeld, and combat drop nightelf bug / problem is, druid can go in stealth while they are drinking

it is also currently a problem in m+ thats why every heal/rdrood reroll to nightelf.

because they balanced classes in ssn1 and 2 around solo shuffle, which was the biggest mistake

Df has been a step in the right direction, I’m however mostly excited about solo queue rbgs and how blizzard will develop that as a main pillar of pvp.

Also it will be a breath of fresh air from sweatrenas,