DF pre-patch

Well, beautiful people… The time is almost here.
My sub runs out in a few days, so I would just like to wish you a great time in season 4.
I’ll be renewing once the DF pre-patch arrives.

See ya in a while…

To keep this thread on topic; share what you’re looking forward to most in S4 and/or the Pre-patch. :grin:


My sub runs out in 8 days. Still undecided what to do…



see you Tah! Its a luck ive found old rep to farm.


I couldnt’ care less about Season 4, however, my sub will still be active so I will get my slime cat. I don’t know about KSM, depends how horrendously overtuned the dungeons are. I have zero enthusiasm for S4.

Dragonflight should be fun but I’m not happy about their recycling leaking into a brand new end game. I’m most looking forward to having all the new zones to explore and quests to do.

See you on the other side and enjoy your break :kissing_heart:


I’m curious about the new/updated version of Uldaman though in the pre-patch. I hope they kept the adventurer/indiana jones vibe; I loved that. It’s one of my favorite vanilla dungeons.


Sad to see you go, but like others pointed out why, I can understand. There isn’t a better time for it.

Only thing I look forward to in S4 is getting my voidwalker mount (wanna push madly at the start because of IRL events). Then, I might as well could unsub and focus on other games in what little free time I’ll have - will see about it. :thinking:

DF mostly makes me hyped with talent trees, but the dragon theme and likely the zones too are pretty. 4 new dungeons will mean less things to be learned so easier to pick up the pace. :smile:


Enjoy your time off :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m not excited for S4, I’m just waiting for Duckflight at this point. I will probably do some minor catchup on gear, mog hunts and mainly catchup with friends.


Yeah, I don’t want to keep paying for something I hardly play.

And I really disagree with Blizzard’s decision to push raiding this hard; even if it’s only LFR. Doing it once or twice is fine, but they’re asking players to raid every single week for the entire length of s4. It’s just not something I’m willing to do.

And other than that the season’s content offers next to nothing for a player like myself.

But hey… A break will hopefully allow me to be ready to go into the pre-patch with renewed enthousiasm and joy.


Oh this always happens, breaks are great in WoW imo!


I know that getting out of those Shadowlands zones will do that by itself; even without a break. :grin: :sweat_smile:


Bahahaha, I’m sure it will :grin: Hope you’ll have fun :hugs:


I am excited to do all the dungeons ppl never liked! I wonder how long it’ll be before I lose all my intrest in the game and just level up alts/rep this time around.

I give it… 2 weeks.
And that is me bieing generous :rofl:

Same thing as season 4…
New xpack new things to explore, but can’t get to excited yet because how it looks they are limiting warriors hardcore depending what the Raid Weapon statts/procs will be… The new talent tree is mehhhh aswell.
Couldn’t care more about scaley furries either but atleast happy it’s a ranged class so hopefully the raids get more ranged-melee balance :man_shrugging:


I need at least one cycle through all the fated raids and then I’ll be eligible for my slime cat. My sub runs out in September and I don’t know if I’ll be renewing. It certainly wont be for a six month period any more.


Maybe a dumb question but I am to lazy to google…

Is LFR/NM enough for the cat?

I have big doubts my guild will be running HC/M in S4 since most off them despised SoD :rofl:

Yes LFR/Nm is fine for the cat, Hc has a title and Mythic gives you portals.

Blizzard have now clarified that ANY DIFFICULTY means Normal and above and excludes LFR.

Fates of the Shadowlands RaidsFates of the Shadowlands Raids - The first achievement is the easiest one. You must clear all 3 Fated raids to get it. It rewards the datamined slime cat mount.

Heroic: Fates of the Shadowlands RaidsHeroic: Fates of the Shadowlands Raids - The second raid achievement requires you to clear all Fated raids on Heroic difficulty. You will receive the Hero of Fate title upon completion.

Mythic: Fates of the Shadowlands RaidsMythic: Fates of the Shadowlands Raids - The most difficult achievement is tied to Mythic difficulty and rewards raid teleports, meaning you’ll be able to teleport yourself directly to the Shadowlands raids.


Sorry, I had to xD


I resemble this meme/comic


It will be a fine addition to my current, world record breaking, 35 unique mount collection.


lets hope the lfr time wont be 4 hours every section…