Hi how does this DH 1 shot build works ? And how can I make it ? (Which talents,trinkets,stats and rotation ) for DH 1 shot build
I know that I should stack mastery and get slash as a talent but idk anything else about it.
Other than that i know that with 1 shot build that annihilation can hit for 400k.
Getting 2.7k in two weeks was too difficult with the normal DH build I guess? down to 1500 now buddy, grasping at straws.
Guess it’s him thats the noob after all hahah. Sevan the pleb trying to find a way to cheese to compensate for his lack of ability.
Not worth it is too gimmick, just stack full gushing on all gear its possible and you get your rating in no time
Those forums are useless.I got 5 quick answers on reddit last week.I should have to have at least 160 % mastery and run with full masterful corruption rank 3 + mastery trinket.
I know now how the build works very well.
I dropped from 1.8k to 1.55k because I tried that it
Off topic:
[quote=“Wynterscold-outland, post:3,
topic:170218, full:true”]
Guess it’s him thats the noob after all hahah. Sevan the pleb trying to find a way to cheese to compensate for his lack of ability.
Mind your own business retarde* and don’t speak to me anymore retarde* mage ,you got 2.2 k with 4 k games . ur so good that why u need 4 k games to get to 2 k .
Besides I started arena on my hunter currently at 1.5 k after 30 matches only (BM hunter ).
+are u following me whenever I go or what ?
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