DH and fury damage nerfs when?

go watch a good warlock like dakkroth and show me him dying to a ww :rofl:

That’s going to change EVERYTHING!

its easier to cry than l2p

good locks dont die to ww
good aff locks dont get outdpsed by melee

u are bad so u do


People that can back up their words with experience don’t post from low level classic characters.

Yet, here we are. :slight_smile:


I can, though. Vivimade me is absolutely right :slight_smile:


posting on classic character doesn’t change facts stop crying and l2p

It kinda is, yea. Cause that Soul Rot dmg is divided on 3 targets, which means significantly lower kill pressure on any of them

Aren’t fury OP on their self heal? Who cares about their burst?..

Theres too much micro cc in the game, too much dps self sustain, too much burst

evoker needs a healing nerf or literally all other healers need to receive healing buffs


Preferably buffs to all other healers tbh


So we need chaos bolts to take 90% of our hp like in previous xp?

Do I even need to remind u of convoke in SL?
Also boomie can manage already to top dps in arena even without ss, specs dmg is very fine, problem is survivability.

Healing now is hard yes, but I would rather heal vs strong melee than broken casters that have insane control/cc-s and bursts.

Afli had its run, was top healer and dps and obnoxious to play against.
You want a lock? There’s demo for you, it’s already the strongest caster in the game.

Destro is hot garbage rn though

Do you unironically think Chaos bolt dmg is fine now?

60k isn’t even real, more like 40k is what it hits for atm

Also, demo is the best caster in the game rn? I think you might wanna check the ladder. There’s quite a few more shadowpriests over 2400 rating than demo locks

Destro needs a redesign no spell should hit more than 80k anyway.

Yea and NA has a boomie over 2.4k and not a single sp or demo, yet everyone cries about that spec being weak.^
Demo/SP are the best casters currently there’s no argue about it.


Me trying to heal it lol
I care, though I do think if you gut their healing they need some defensive cds.
People get mad at their healing (and rightly so) but they tend to forget that’s all they got.

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Yea, spriests are about to receive buffs though. Warlocks get a 10% stamina nerf on reset, which is also an indirect nerf to Dark Pact and Soul Leech as they scale off HP

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Kinda crazy people whine about destro not being good rn when its getting catapulted into high A if not even S Tier with wednesdays buffs again, which means Warlock has 3 S tier specs.

Sole reason Warlock isnt absolute top dog rn is cause Spriest still exists and the three melees Assa DH Fury trying to hold it down.

I mean sure nerf fury, dh, rogue but dont forget still hard nerfs for Dark Pact, Demo and Spriest and Afflic dmg and utility for the first two casters.

Frost also needs a desperate look at again with Glacial.

Also Lock crying about WW is comedy.


I don’t think anyone was whining about Destro tbh. We’re just mentioning that CB is at a historical lowpoint. Not that I think it should chunk 50% of anyone’s hp again, but it’s nowhere near that. Not after the buffs either

Dark Pact is literally about to be nerfed on Wednesday, as it scaled off HP (like Soul Leech), and all 3 specs get a 10% stamina nerf on Wednesday…

Fair enough
I think gutting their mortal strike would do the trick as well

I remember Fury was intended (traditionally) to be berserker keep fighting by healing themselves, so Id rather not have it nerfed

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Dark Pact will still be too good for a Clsss that has access to Demonic Circle, Gateway, Mortal Coil, passive shield, high drain life heals as Afflic or easy counter CC while CC’d as Demo, big Healthstones and Unending Resolve.

Also Id rather they nerf modifiers stacking than do straight up damage or spell/talent gutting. Gutting Hunt damage is stupid when the problems occur with damage modifier stacks like 20% Demon Soul, Sigil of Fear. Same for overall damage nerf when the real problem is 80% Essence Break buff stacked ontop of the mentioned.

Either way people will always complain and be unhappy. Look at ppl crying about Eye Beam damage while its a 2,5s channel or Hunt even daring to hit above 50k as a whooping 90s CD, meanwhile the Ret with wings or WW with Serenity onetaps the enemy team.

If anything should be really nerfed rn its Shadow Priest still, the rest of the specs that ppl complain about in Forum are strong but that isnt an issue, its better if Enhance for example gets more tools than removing other classes abilities.


I have historically never cared for your opinion as you might remember.

I am not even crying over ww in general. It’s the stupid oneshot that needs to be gone. But you wouldn’t understand that anyways, so i won’t bother much. :slight_smile:

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