Destro is definitely not fit for soloQ even after the buff
Their roles are glass canon which…well…
Its cool Bloodlock, everyone knows you are held back by yourself cause of your toxic attitude. How often on each season start you plead for non-Warlock nerfs in forums? Its tradition by now.
I plead for lock nerfs whenever they are necessary. Like destro in BfA or at some point in SL. But reading was never your strength, so it’s ok.
Your first response after getting clapped in Arena by spec X is not to look how to play it better, but to post a details pic and that the spec needs a nerf.
Which has nothing to do with me demanding nerfs for lock when they are needed? I was literally globaled during my gcd from 88%. Now you tell me this is something that should be in the game. I’m waiting.
Have to admit that I’d rather fight a DH right now than fighting against shadowplay or rogues (not saying that I enjoy being trained by a DH tho…).
Not saying that they shouldn’t be brought down a bit tho, imo both top end meeles and casters need some tuning.
Yeah i don’t disagree that both these speccs are obnoxious too. I watched some streams today and all they faced were sp/x. It’s almost comedy.
But then again, on same stream, i saw a 140k~ Death Sweep. Bit extreme ey.
WW gets a 33% dmg nerf coming wednesday on Strike. Idk if Thunderfist is also affected by the 30% but reading Blizz comment it seems so. 100k RSK is a bit high I’d say but youre also Cloth and by all looks concerned it seems like he is Serenity + on-use, which makes it okayish.
yup i know that feeling , on my main my max exp is 2.1 im not the best but i know how the game works , yesterday i geared my frost mage for fun and try to get atleast 1800 with it , but i keep getting tunneled by fury warriors , like even when i que on 2.1k mmr on main fury warrior just outheals my bleed damage now imagine if they got healer evoker which can clear all bleeds …giga frustrating to play against , on druid im a hybrid , warrior is not a hybrid and heals more than me , like what the F is going on here , i root , he frees himself , i wild charge on stag he leaps , i vortex he runs out and charges again , constantly sits on me husain bolt style . On my frost mage warrior is just this gigachad that cant get slowed , rooted or cc because his team mate is either WW or DH so i get roflstomped by these 123 melee specs… so tilting to play atm
as for my mage im new so yes its aids to play against this disgusting melee cleaves
Honestly they should just rework the warlock general talent tree. Blizzard stuffed it full of defensive traits and was then surprised that warlock was a literal tank. And now they’ve been peeling it away piece by piece. If it keeps up like that then sooner or later warlocks will be playing pvp with no general talent tree at all. Rather they’d just rework this garbage from the ground up.
Elemental needs a survivability buff, or ye nerf melee zugzug dmg etc. etc. etc.
No melee’s opinion on balance is valid btw.
Firstly: Everyone has burst. Secondly: Only a handful have too much micro cc and self-sustain, which is truly at ridiculous levels.
i assume that are my chaosbolts on people without gear.
i also had 27k cb on fury warriors
i mean a 20% buff on cb and starsurge will do abaolutely nothing
crazy how hard they miss tuned things
a survivability buff and a dmg nerf, agreed
I’ve managed a couple oneshots after an ardous setup. Other than that, I haven’t really seen any damage because I’m not allowed to play the game.
Im not talking about oneshots, ele overall dmg is very high.
If you get run down by zergs thats a different problem
Also I doubt that anyone can actually play the game due to the amounts of cc and interrupts are being thrown around
CCs are insane! Like i dont think it ever was this bad before.
strike of the wind lord is actually broken against demo warlocks because there is two parts to strike of the wind lord for each enemy hit they gain a stack of thunderfist which does 80k + each hit
This Ret@rded mentality of “go watch this mrank1 glad” do good vs this “broken” class has to stop, or else we can apply this “4head logic” to everything regarding real life or whatever the fok you pursue and doing.
You s@ck at driving , cause keichi tsuchiya drives WAY better than you
You s@ck at cooking , cause gordon ramsey cooks WAY better than you
You S@ack playing football cause Messi does it WAY better than you.
How about TRY what you preach and post us a clip of you’re amazing gameplay?!
You can copy dakkroth , watch some clips yourself and come show us your inner Viscus, drakedog, adouken, dakkroth and whatever else lock ya know. Peace.