Just listing the options you have versus them. Maybe now you play Netherward again instead of 60s kick? Who knows.
Well. 1min CD on kick, 2min CD on a stun that kicks, and 30s CD on another stun that also kicks. Not like you actually have only 1 kick per minute. You have many ways to lock people out of their schools should you need it.
Demo hasn’t become popular simply because it deals a lot of damage, rather because it deals very good damage while being able to force people to take it and while being able to prevent enemies from doing their damage, while themselves being very hard to kill. It actually id exactly the same thing that happened with SL Outlaw. Great damage but nothing too impressive actually, not oneshot hits or anything, but unfair CC forcing enemies to take more damage than they should while dealing less than they should themselves, paired with too much tankiness, creating a huge damage and pressure gap.
2 min CD kick is basically my offensive cooldown. Not something one uses as a kick. So I just have the 1 min kick + the stun, which may or may not be used to stop a cast. Maybe you use it for a set up.
Demo mainly became popular due to buff to Felguard’s Legion Strike (the MS buff) and obviously Aff got annihilated towards the end of Legion and couldn’t properly recover from that. From BfA to DF;
Demo’s Soul Link got nerfed, it didn’t have Dark Pact anyway in SL, Soul Leech got significantly nerfed, already had Grimoire, already had kick talent, already had stun. Yet it wasn’t as popular. With nerfs to Dest / Aff, spec is just shining like a pearl in a dumpster. xD Figuratively speaking.
I doubt we are going to see more of Demo in the future. After S1 it will be Aff and Dest. I doubt anyone will play against RMX with a spec that has 1 minute cd on its kick.
Exactly. The versatility of it makes it extremely good. It is a stun. But it may also be used to stop a cast. It is quite incorrect to believe that if you use it as an interrupt you lose it as a stun. You need to see it as a stun, which has a bonus effect that can backup as an interrupt too, no matter the DR.
Spells like that are very OP because they go beyond their “normal use”. You can never really know how a good Warlock will use it. You may fake him when you really need to cast under heavy pressure, and potentially he has up to two more interrupts that you need to fake, and even if you do, you’re still stunned. It’s very strong.
It’s the same as Outlaw, as I explained. Outlaw already had CDR, shorter Blind, longer reach etc etc. Have has that for a while. Just like Demo has had its kit for a while. But then Blizzard gave this spec good damage. Just good damage. Which they didn’t have before. Good damage combined with their kit becomes deadly because it becomes high pressure due to the fact that these specs make you unable to avoid their damage, have so much CC that they hurt your own damage, and make it hard for healers to play the game and heal.
Demo is by FAR the best spec in the game against RMX right now what do you mean. Even with a longer CD on kick. So much micro CC to aids them and destroy their setups, a 4th player in the team with your pet to kick or stun DURING the setups … even RMX can’t quadruple CC instantly. I do play RMX a lot, and I have also played a fair share of rogue demo & rogue sp, and I have to say rogue demo is the freest way to win rmx. From my experience facing rmx with a Demo next to me was and is always, always a free win unless we make terribly huge mistakes and let them play way better.
DH is literally top 1 damage in every Rated Solo Shuffle game that I have. Such a braindead class
True but its Demo’s strongest cooldown. If you use it for this objective; you are basically delaying your go by a 2 minute.
Well its an exchange I suppose and whether its worth it or not is i would say subjective/depends on the situation.
I am surprsed that is the case. I know from my own experience that I destroy Rogue / Mage as Demo in 2s as my pet, while I am cced, can kick/stun Mage’s attempt at Poly or Ring. But at the same time, with so many interrupts, Demo fails to make a proper go at them, unless its completely free casting and even then your go might be completely shut down by ice nova or ring unless you have complete lock down on the target mage or you have cross cc on the mage. And s.tupid Tyrant continues to melee people the moment it sees 1 second of LoS on its target.
At this point though; I would say Dest with Felhunter is going to be better. Same functionality against RMX (shorter cd on pet kick) + it can purge too (has a shorter cd in DF).
My words on 3s though is just based on my experience on watching other Locks. I mainly play 2s so I might be just spitting BS.
I just want to disclaim that i am not talking about demo. I am leveling as demo right now through skirmish and i lose like 2% of the games because demo is just too tanky. The change to kick is stupid because it again doesn’t target the core problem of the specc but that’s just classic blizzard nerfing the wrong stuff.
Talking about Zugzug brainless classes, how is that Shadowstrike/Evicerate spaming going?
And in SL!
The tankinesss isn’t that high at LvL 70 as it is during lvling.
Come on now… you know full well people don’t want to put the work in and learn how to deal with certain classes. They just want the results without any of that, so nerf it all! nerf to all to the ground!
Oh… but, wait? they’re still dying in the same way to the same classes… MORE NERFS BLIZZ!
rogues are worse believe me mate.
This right here. If I start queueing at 0cr any bracket and I get run over this badly by braindead melee, I’m not going to play PvP. Which might be by design? Either way Blizzard actually deserves getting completely bullied for it.
Well, playing into RM(X) isn’t so much about making proper goes, rahter surviving theirs. It’s the ultimate setup comp. Trying to play like them with worse weapons leads to a loss. Better play in your strengths that they don’t have. Typically we usually just go for maximum PvE damage as Rogue Demo, as we can easily do more than double a RMX damage while making sure to break their setups as much as possible (with CC, with the pet with position, by pre using codowns etc, meanwhile they take damage). The consequences are that they are always under heavy pressure, always sort lf dying so it makes it harder for them to setup nicely because, well, they could die, they can oom, and them being under pressure due to damage allows us to get CC because the healer as to cast stuff, and then we can contine with the damage (as opposed to trying to have a real go where you CC everything first then press damage). That is how it usually goes. Long story short vs rmx press damage, keep every single tool to defend rather than attack, and profit.
The thing with the Felguard is that it can also stun. The Fel Hunter is limited to a kick. Get faked on Poly ? They have the go. He has both Poly and Ring ? They have the go. The Mage has nothing but the Rogue has every single CD ? Your pet is useless. The Felguard stuns the Mage if you get faked. It can stun the Rogue when the Rogue has damage. It can stun the Rogue when the follow up should be Blind, creating a gap, killing the go etc. And while it can do all that, it can also just kick the Mage on top of stunning him (so do that on Poly, he is locked and can’t blink it to DB or Ring instead), while the fel hunter would just lock one school but without a stun, enabling the Mage to cast other stuff. It is just vastly superior.
This is simply big true.
I thought Mages are not playing shimmer anymore though? Could be wrong.
With how tanky Mages and Rogues became compared to before, i feel like surviving them is not enough anymore. Esp. with Holy having very good mana management. I vaguely remember surviving being good 'cuz Disc would quickly OOM. But like I’ve previously said, no personal experience there, so.
DH damage is so overtuned
Literally every RSS game they have significantly more damage dealt than any other class regardless of how well they play. Just had one that went 1/6 and had 16 million damage, up second was a fury warrior with 10 mill (and he played way better)
Yes but if you pet stun on Polymorph you lock him on Arcane so he can’t use Blink to get put and use Ring of Frost. Additionally even if you miss and he has Blink ready it might put him too far, or out of LoS etc, it’s just better than to miss kick with a Fel Hunter and he just… casts again.
Right know demo is the best spec for warlock except you are good with Affliction. But remember this: with higher stats destruction will reign supreme.
As a healer I would fight a DH rather than a warlock
Warlocks are toxic by design, massive amounts of cc, massive passive dmg, incredibly strong partly passive self sustain…
I think blizzard should take a look into interrupts aswell. I think 6 second lockouts are too much. Not so much for basically any DPS specs since you just start casting another school, no problem…but for healers its needed…
Or give healers two healing schools too, why not?
Why do things only matter for healers? Mana only for healers, kicks only for healers…Healing is already the most frustrating experience you can have.
Blizz truly ruined the game for healers so DPS can have fun. I wish I could write here what I think of the people that went through with these changes over the years.
well as newbie frost mage i would much rather fight lock and dh than a zug zug fury warrior , infinite mobility , insane selfsustain , good burst MS , snare freedom , 2x charge , leap reflect …
Fury X melee is soo frustrating to play against as a caster atm