DH and fury damage nerfs when?

Everyone understood that. But that doesnt make Demonology’s CC bad…

Because Affliction is just better? But Demonology is still S Tier?


I wonder why people play Afflic for example. :thinking:



It doesn’t and I didn’t say so.

Context. Why Aff is better?

Ah, so that claim is based on Maldiva’s wargames. Go watch Maldiva again. He barely hits 25k DPS. Do you know why? Now he is playing in the ladder, has to peel, has decent opponents with decent comps.

Lockfromwish and Gorewolf circlejerking each other. That must be real love. :heart:

Your words were “Demonology doesnt have strong ‘cc’”, while Demonology has the best caster CC in the Game, or atleast just as good as Spriest.

Better pressure, UA’ dispells hitting for crazy amounts would be just two reasons enough?





Want more? All of his stream yesterday at 2.2k CR which is top 50 in US… :slight_smile:

Just collaboratively calling you and your little minions here delusional and bad :heart:

We’ve got an Affli lock that gets out damaged by melees and dies to a WW.

Another Warlock saying Demo Warlock CC isn’t strong and that Dark Pact is bad.

Another Demo Lock complaining about call felhunter’s cd being increased when Demo has arguably the most disruptive CC in the game.

Is it just a Warlock thing that its players have the combined IQ of a goldfish?

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I spat out my drink. :skull:

Also Maldiva hitting from what I’ve seen 55k peak in top 3v3 50 US ladder and I am wondering and waiting for how our Inagony friend declares that damage bad or tries to downplay it or etc etc.

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“I also don’t agree with Demo’s “strong cc”. It has a stun on 30 sec cooldown, another stun on 2 minute cooldown and coil on 45 second cooldown. That isn’t really an insane difference with mages that can DB, Nova, Ring, Blast. Or say an Outlaw, or a Sub that can literally cross cc your entire team.”

If you want to nerf Demo’s CC then Blizz HAS to nerf both Sub and Outlaw’s CC. And remove the AoE stun from DH. If you think Demo has strong cc, ofc

Demo’s strong cc shines against specs that doesn’t have strong cc. Like Ele. It doesn’t mean sht against specs like Fury or DH. So what if you coil a DH? Dispelled; 0,5 sec later he is back on you. My god what a strong CC that is.

Better pressure true. UA is dispelled almost on CD at high rating. and at max 30k DPS across 3 people while DH/Fury does that on ST is better pressure than Demo but not on par with S tier specs.

They literally lost half of these games :D:D:D:D They lost against Dest / WW :D:D Dude please. You are literally proving my point as to why even the preferred spec Aff’s damage is “pad”. Its literally a common complain point amonsgt the Locks.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/Q9i4aOz

Same Maldiva when he is focused btw.

both of you never got the point of what i said, its def okay.
I never said dont watch the better players, i said dont judge BASED on them, cause not ev1 plays with best partners, goes for rank1, or is a prof player.
Fun fact is even pro players say same things about classes or even the one that they play that is busted.
Is that so hard to understand right?

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This entire thread has turned in a joke really but hum… do you genuinely believe you, typing these words, that Demo doesn’t have one of the very best CC kit in the game ?

It’s an easy yes or no question btw, no one needs an essay about how Fire Mage or Outlaw Rogue live their lives.

Yeah and we collaboratively disregard your opinions because: Gorewolf as a person, you as an SP main that hasn’t even queued a lot of 3s and generally showcasing of just being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious. :heart:

Yes it does.

I am not saying it doesn’t, i am just saying Demo has a few strong points, one of them is its strong cc. You take that away; whats left? A tanky hard casting spec that can’t make proper goes. Thats an A tier spec.

And ofc i need to mention Sub or Outlaw. Both specs have as much as control as Demo does while doing reliable goes.

And that means Affliction does no damage? Okay.

Also interesting enough 8 of the 11 highest rated Warlocks in 3v3 are Demonology in US. :thinking:

2 are Destruction and Maldiva is the only Affliction. I guess Demonology sucks. :thinking:

Guess they play it for Solo Shuffle, Open World or 2s then?

Thats still too much damage btw. Just cause Fury or DH does big damage doesnt mean Affliction doesnt either.

Yeah, makes sense. Demonology being overbloated means they should touch other Classes.

Whats the point of doing damage if at the end of the day its pad damage that does not result in a kill?

Well, if a spec hypothetically gets a strong point taken away and still ends up A then i don’t think there is need to complain when you’re on the side that plays it.

Demo right now is one of those problematic specs that need a good slap on the face.

Can you explain me how Bih, Flowstate, Ziffy, Nozomm, Goob and Lilproch are all Demonology in the top 100 in 3s instead my dear Warlock friend? :skull:

Maldiva is literally the only affliction warlock in the top 100 in US? Do they all log out on Demonology due to PvE or what?

I do agree though, whats the point of Maldiva rotting. Why is he doing that in the first place? :thinking:

All demo needs is a revert to the MoP version, would be easier to balance. I always thought that if summoner style ever gets viable, people are complaining how powerful it is.

My thought is true, why do you not just cc the pets? As rogue it is best impossible i know but your Teammate can do it. Tyrant always bug’s when you run behind a pillar, after that your mage(of you play rmp) can nova them. Only imps left.

Maldiva was always an Affliction player, he only plays demo or destruction to play something else.
And even he said that the removal of demon armor was the reason for warlock players to play demo, not because it was insanely strong.

You do you guys. I have nothing more to say.

I am switching to Dest with the weekly reset. I am not playing against SPs and Mages with 1 minute cooldown on kick.

Idk any of them. I only know Mald from NA ('cuz he streams in nights so I can watch him). I watch mainly EU as I am from EU.

… and Axe Toss. And Grimoire: Axe Toss. And Shadowfury. And Mortal Coil. And Fear. And instant Gateway. And Circle. And Netherward.

Yeah, Warlocks have it hard versus other casters. :confused:

Hot take but Demonology should’ve never had kick to begin with if they dont pick a Fel Hunter.

Demos usually don’t play Shadowfury and Netherward.

And Grimoire is 2 minutes dude… Really? I could understand it if it was like Blind or something in terms of duration.

All three are talents, not everyone is playing them.

The first had a 1.5 min cd, great that i can use it instant with the cost of a Shard. It should be instant without it…
The second has 30 seconds cd. That is fair.

It is a pvp Talent there should only be a 30 to 45 seconds cd on it. And demo has 3 mandatory pvp talents since Legion