DH changes in Shadowlands

You did read the updated Demonic Appetite talent I hope. On AoE content Eyebeam will come off cd nearly every 15 seconds, giving an effective 12 seconds over 30 seconds instead of 8 over 30 seconds today (disregarding azerite powers). Even in less ideal scenarios it’ll be break even at worst.

Leech is less out of meta, but I’ve just proven meta uptime can be higher than on live, which might not make it a nerf.

Blur is a nerf, no arguments there.

Immolation aura is only a nerf if you don’t take the Burning Hatred talent. If you do it changes from 80 fury over 10 sec to 100 fury over 6 sec. Not a nerf.

So we have a Blur nerf and a Blade Dance nerf, which gets countered with (so far uncapped) more frequent Eyebeam casts with the right talent setup.

What the hell, it looks like they completely gutted the class.

We already had a 2 button rotation, now Blade Dance is FIFTEEN seconds cd, so we’re basically a 1 button class?

Even less healing than before, mobility cut in half. Yeah it looks like I’m staying unsubbed.

Good job Blizz.


Just report and ignore

And how long is that gonna’ take? It took them a whole expansion to fix Shaman. No, we gotta be vocal so that the game doesn’t launch with a busted class.

Chaos Strike has ~6 procs per minute to spawn fragments, so in that 30s Eye Beam cooldown window you might eat 3 fragments and get 6s faster Eye Beam.
6/24 < 8/30
In PvP scenarios those 2 extra seconds of bursting might make a bigger difference.
Anyhow, this locks down choices on first talent row even more.

Meta leech is zero without the Soul Rending talent. With the talent it is 30% (was 45%).
Outside of Meta leech will be 5% with the talent. Without the talent DH will have no source of healing at all except for getting lucky and picking up soul fragments (which is another reason Demonic Appetite is a must).

The baseline spell does not generate any fury at all. So it is 50 fury per cast (was 80 fury).

Nerf damage, I do not care, but please Blizzard do not change that sweet DH gameplay.

Furious gaze azerite is crucial for demonic build, different amount of haste - 200% on hero, 140% on furious gaze and procs, 72% on meta and procs, 35% on procs, 15% unbuffed - is class fantasy of havoc for me.

Blade dance in single target rotation should be baseline is one of the most iconic abilities. Its great that Meta resets Eye beam and Blade dance, it creates great “opening dance” you do at the start of the fight.

Demonic talent created: 1st Blind fury build, 2nd Demonic apetite build (its great that it becomes base line with talent) and also 3rd felblade + demon blades build which gives you greater 1min meta window with reduced overall 5min dmg. Do not reduce Demonic duration, nerf dmg somewhere else if you must.

Every class gets unprunning and I feel like Demon hunter gets prunning in alpha right now.


So basically no one’s ever picking Netherwalk

Yes, pretty much like it is now except for certain mythic encounters ^^

But don’t worry Kelduril, you can pick Night Fae covenant and teleport your enemies to death :slight_smile:

They’re gutting everything that made DH fun, especially for pvp (leech, meta uptime, blade dance dodge…)
Very disappointing

You mean what made DH op in pvp

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Class balance will never be perfect. There are always specs that will be better than others, that is perfectly fine. To elaborate my point about demon hunters, they are clearly superior to not only shadow, but all specs. They have strong single target dps, they have insane aoe dps. They have tons of self heal (25 % leech in meta!!!), they have arguably the strongest defensive cooldowns in the game, they have unparalleled mobility and to top it off, they have an aoe stun on a short cooldown.

Now what does shadowpriests have? Some self heal, half decent dps, no mobility, no defensives (Dispersion is good, but you trade away ALL dps),

My argument isn’t shadow priest is fine in its current iteration, nor that I agree with the lack of changes blizzard are providing us.

Shadow priests have a lot of flaws which just hold it back in a lot of content.

I’m just saying there will always be classes that out dps us. It’s pointless to aim the critism towards things such as comparisons.

My lack of critism comes from the fact, I personally lack the theorycraft or knowledge to really state how to fix said problems.

I’d personally say if they wanna uphold the void theme.

Revert to shadow orbs. Make void form our standard form, return us to shadow orbs, rename them void orbs and give us devouring plague as devouring void. I played a lot of spriest during cata and it was a lot of fun on that design.

I like the void theme. And I don’t entirely hate void form. But I do agree. It has proven unbalanceable and we have seen it do nothing but chain the specc down in a lot of content.

But I doubt we will see blizzard do a complete revert of a class.

No they aren’t. Look at the Ny’alotha DPS logs. Look at the Palace DPS logs. DHs haven’t been top tier at all this expansion.

When you consider that Rogue defends itself by having a boatload of CC and Plate classes have DEF cds on top of armor from Plate, no, they don’t.

Last I played Shadow Priest could do the same self heal as a DH while also being a ranged class and being able to save their healers with the HP swap or actual heals.

Why do you need mobility when you’re a ranged class that’s as tanky as melee classes?

Leech removed from meta form? Does it mean havoc dhs have to think defensively in pvp?


Literally every class has some form of self healing and defensives or passive damage reduction.

And no, it’s not getting removed. It will be 25% with a talent.

Well…this kinda sucks.


We gotta keep posting about this and put pressure on them, because if it goes LIVE like this and they go " We’ll fix it later " it’ll get fixed in 2 expansions.

hope they stay trash whole exp

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We can try, but I don’t think they even read these forums.

I also don’t understand the insane amount of salt people have towards DH. They are not that troublesome to kill.
There are a lot of things that annoy me more:

  • Destro locks just tanking everything, non-stop fearing, rooting and eventually one-shotting you with Chaos Bolt.
  • WW monks slow with Fist of Fury (super annoying)
  • DK permaslow with Chains of Ice
  • Fire mage killing you with instant casts spells
  • Assa rogue damage, slow, MS effect, stun, smoke bomb (the toolkit is just insane)
  • Holy priest healing with Greater Heal / vitality conduit (unkillable)
  • MW monks with a peeling teammate. There is no way to get uptime on them thanks to RoP, disarm, stun, paralysis, teleport. Life Cocoon is available on cooldown everytime you get a chance.

These are just a couple of examples. My point is a lot of classes are OP or annoying in some sense.


Mid level PVPers who don’t know how to use their cds.

Statistically DHs are average in DPS and below average in the ladder.

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