DH changes in Shadowlands

I started maining a dh about a month ago now and I don’t get the hate its literally off people who are just bad at the game. I beat them on my feral, also my ww beats them 1v1, my mage greater pyro combust full retard and they’re dead. Rogues can also beat DHs pretty easy if you know what you’re doing and fury warrs can also be a big problem with their retarded healing and unholy dks are a nightmare to kill. Yet everyone hates dhs and says they’re op lol just learn how to kill them it really isn’t hard at all

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Seems a common sentiment among people who are bad at the game.


Looks like by unpruning they meant pruning.

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15 second blade dance is going to be so boring to play.

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So what do your reckon? DH needs buff?

Mortal Rush (PvP Talent)

Requires Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Requires level 40

Your Fel Rush afflicts targets it deals damage to with Mortal Wound, reducing the effectiveness of healing on the target for until cancelled.

We got a new PvP talent as well. I see this one becoming mandatory.

Definitely, and it’s a good addition because not being able to kill healers is cancer.

If blade dance is going to be 15 second CD then DH needs something else to replace it. How about something like fel rush leaving a streak behind that explodes after 2 sec damaging everything in its path.

Still leaves you pressing only Chaos Strike for literally 13 seconds

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wasnt that 15 seconds only while you level? it goes back to normal as you level higher

Yes, it’s cooldown is the same as in BFA, base 9s reduced by haste.

After some further thoughts, I think this talent might be a bit awkward to use.

Consider that you want to catch up to an escaping healer - when you actually catch up, you would have used your Fel Rush charges and thus cannot apply the MS effect (unless you time the distance perfectly).

Also, when you are actually ON the healer / target, you will naturally want to stay ON your target, but you are forced to Fel Rush away in order to apply the MS effect.

So, it kind of depends on how long the MS debuff is applied for if this is going to be useful or not, but the interaction overall seems kind of weird to me.
It is like Momentum in a way, where you are giving up your mobility to increase damage, but weaker in the sense that Fel Rush has to hit your target.

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