DH - Chaos Strike - HELP


Begging for a macro wizard to make sense of this, neither version works and appears to get stuck on Chaos Strike / Annihilation.

/castsequence reset=6 Eye Beam, Chaos Strike, Blade Dance

/castsequence reset=6 Eye Beam, Annihilation, Blade Dance


I don’t see anything wrong with your macro format.

Generally if a cast sequence macro fails to advance to the next stage it means it did not successfully cast the current spell in the sequence. EG. As long as Choas Strike/Annihilation is off cooldwon and was cast succesfully in should advance to Blade Dance.

Make sure your reset time is enough for you to cast all the spells in time. Currently you have it set to 6 seconds so after that time from pressing the first spell and starting the sequence it will reset and go back to start.

I’ve found recently that the macros sometimes just bug for no reason. Deleting them and re-creating them seems to fix them in most cases.

Re-created the macro and changed the timer, but the issue persisted.

Oddly enough, by shifting things around I tried it without Eye Beam in the macro and it works fine, feels like Eye Beam’s channel is what’s causing this issue.

Need more eyes on this, can’t figure out why Eye Beam seems to be the culprit here.

Edit: Actually, not Eye Beam, it looks like being in Metamorphosis is the issue.

/castsequence reset=6 Blade Dance, Chaos Strike, Metamorphosis, Chaos Strike

It works fine when not in Meta, but once you’re in Meta, Chaos Strike / Annihilation gets stuck. Is there a way we can make this macro work while in Metamorphosis?

I don’t play DH so don’t know much about thier spells but it sounds like Metamorphosis changes the Choas Strike/Annihilation spell in some form (possibly the same spell but it does different things depending on form and changes name?)

I know castsequence macros had a bug a while back were spells that would change name would cause the macro to break. Not sure if that was ever fixed though but perhaps that’s the issue here.

Just a thought but if Metamorphosis is a stance that causes the spell names to change then maybe adding that into the macro would help… something like this (i might have Chaos Strike, Annihilation the wrong way round).

/castsequence reset=6 Eye Beam, [nostance] Chaos Strike; Annihilation, Blade Dance

No idea if that would work though but worth a try.

Like Ráevelyn mentioned, cast sequences often get stuck on spells that change names depending on conditions like being in/out of Meta. In general you want to use the exact names but I don’t think there’s a condition to make that possible for DH; the syntax in Ráevelyn’s example is wrong.

DH doesn’t have that many buttons to begin with, why are you trying to condense it to a 1 button macro?

Thanks, but didn’t seem to work. With that macro, it doesn’t even trigger Eye Beam for some reason.

Elvenbane, there isn’t a workaround or condition to being in Metamorphosis?

I want Inner Demon proc right after Eye Beam, which saves me a button.

Also, would be cool I guess if the game just worked as intended.

No, Meta isn’t considered a stance so [stance] and [form] don’t work with it.

Alright, but since macro behavior changes along with certain abilities, there must be some condition attached to being in Metamorphosis?

None that are accessible to macros.

Thanks, i wasn’t sure about it either or whether DH even had a stance or form. Was basically a shot in the dark but good to know for future reference :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, you can’t put options on individual spells in a castsequence, it’s the whole sequence or nothing.

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Robo, have you tried:

/castsequence reset=6 Eye Beam, Blade Dance, Chaos Strike

It still gets stuck on Annihilation (spams it till Meta drops) but otherwise it seems to be working on my DH.

Also, reset=6 means reset the macro 6s after your most recent press (even if it doesn’t cast anything) not 6s since the sequence was started. It will also start over when it gets to the end of the sequence.

Appreciate the suggestion, the macro I originally posted was meant to simply convey the fundamental issue with how Chaos Strike / Annihilation behaves. What I’m really trying to achieve is a little bit more complex, and because you’re always so nice and helpful I’ll give you an example below.

/castsequence [nochanneling,@cursor] reset=6 Eye Beam, Chaos Strike, Essence Break, Blade Dance, Metamorphosis, Chaos Strike

The macro is quite a bit longer, but it’s not relevant, I’ve currently resorted to just weaving in Chaos Strike as the macro goes onward.

This way, I can severely reduce button bloat and achieve a perfect rotation, you might notice it climbs in cooldown usage, this is intentional, the second time I press this button I want it to stop on Essence Break.

6 seconds is simply an arbitrary number, I can either increase or reduce depending on what I’m trying to achieve, 6 seconds currently just works well when I’m chasing a target in PvP because of occasional downtime in the rotation.

You previously asked why I want to condense it into a 1 button macro, the reason is that while others are busy playing piano (if they like it, more power to them), I can consistently achieve the same results if not better by pressing a single button, and it allows me to enjoy the visuals at the same time!

I like to work smarter, not harder.

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