Hey everyone! I just have the feel that DH is not what it used to be compared to legion. With all the changes blizzard made going into BFA, the class just wasn’t as fun and dynamic. Now with the change to Mana Rift in particular, but of course also the other changes, I just feel that DH doesn’t seem that great anymore. I would like to hear what others think about this as well.
It was decent for 2vs2 when you can get the healer out of mana, but it was weak in 3vs3 because of lack in burst dmg and being unable to finish low health targets and now with the new fury consumtion of Mana Rift we lack in dmg too
Yeah. I really feel that bringing back chaos blades or some other burst CD would do wonders. Even making fel barrage range larger. We are just constantly chipping the enemies health but with a very streamline and straight forward feel. It feels like we are just a melee dot really, lol. We only have metamorphosis where our damage is pumped up quite a bit, but that just doesn’t feel like it gets quite the job done. Dark slash is simply too weak, and because of the nerfs we have received we are forced to do a more tanky build with Soul Rending and Demonic, leaving us with no option to take Nemesis. Bringing back our ranged tools like bleeds on throw glaive and longer range fel barrage would also help tremendously.
Yeah, the lack of burst or mana burn really screws us over. Only way to win against a team that can manage cds is dampening and that’s horribly boring.
Yeah exactly. I actually think that Havoc Demon Hunter might be the only DPS spec without a respectable amount of burst and a LOT of other DPS specs even have better sustained damage than us.
Not only lack of burst, but also no spammable CC, slows, or reliable self healing or off healing.
We’re the only melee class without a slow, which is insane.
well the lack of slow is kinda understandable, we have different kit to stay on the target. However most of the classes have better sustain and far far better burst dmg than DH i believe DH have the lowest burst dmg in the game… actually not the lowest we have no burst dmg
Every melee has mobility, while also having slows. Yeah, we have better mobility, but we can still get kited. And without a slow that’s trash.
well compared to other mele classes ( except rogue cuz he is in a different league ) my time on the target is pretty much the same, i’m more concern on the lack of burst and lack of sustain dmg, also we are one of the few mele classes with no Execute skill. The only time i’m having problems sticking up to my target is when i try to focus a Mistweaver monk
Yeah, but it’s not like other classes can’t stay on the target, either. Apart from Mage, most kill targets can’t really kite. What I am saying is that our mobility doesn’t give us as much as our lack of burst takes from us.
it is far better to have burst than have slow, you do realise that you need atleast 4 seconds to kill a target on 20% HP
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