DH Havoc's DMG Out Of Control

Ok this time blizzard messed up with the tuning of Havoc.His damage is beyond godlike-Broken and if someone is just a bit experienced or just same skill level like you, he leaves you no room for counterplay.You can only use your survivability and spam heals to stay alive(if you have heals ofc).Nerfs incoming for sure this is nonsense.


people already knew this during PTR and pointed it out

blizzard just dont wana do their job

i think they have a fetish for being lazy and negligent, even when you literally spoon feed them free feedback on outlandish game design outliers


You talking about PvP?

Yes.No need to even comment on that.I play 7 years.Never seen anything like this before.Its way too overtuned idk what blizz doin

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They will likely tone down ragefire/barrage.

It’s aoe that’s a bit out of control.

This will also allow them to decrease aoe without impacting st too much, since both of those abilities are mostly powerful in aoe.

Says mage :smiley: Sub rogues arms warriors are waayy more broken than dh

Dh is fine in pve and pvp once dh is viable and ppl start moaning when sub rogues one shotting ppl through defensives in arena


Maybe you do not watch the current pvp content.Even the boss of dhs in pvp and rank 1 player Trenacetate said that DH now is out of control and the nerf is coming.Wake up dhs right now do x3 more dmg than any other class in pvp content.Out of control its bad for the game.

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it’s not. look at the solo shuffles. DH having 2100+ while rogue and mage 1800+. It’s no brain class. Just smash ur face on keyboard and have a kill

I got hit by a 624k + Elysian Decree while doing the Sparks quest, I dunno if they had some weird modifiers that made it do that much, but that felt a bit insane, and I was on a Warrior in Def stance(15% less damage taken) with about 38% vers.

Also in M+ they do beyond insane damage, there’s no way you can compete with that, specially not as a WW monk, theyre pulling between 500k to over 1mil dps on some packs, it’s really nuts,
I’m not asking to nerf them into the ground, but maybe tone some of it down a bit, but more importantly, buff other specs that can really use it ‘‘cough’’ Windwalker ‘‘cough’’

I dont think Havoc is the only one that does insane AoE damage tho, definitely on number 1 ofc, but I noticed BM hunters do pretty crazy AoE damage also, there’s just such a huge gap between some specs right now, it’s a bit demotivating to play a spec that cant do anything even close to that, no matter how perfectly you play.

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And I did 5,900,000 dmg Kingsbane last night doing the same spark quest in the same zone and area. There are buffs there. It means nothing

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U nerfed Fire Mage 10.7. Time to nerf DH

Ahh okay I didnt know that, I felt there must’ve been some weird buffs going on there, was just shocked my hp bar went from 100 to pretty much 0 instantly and when I looked on details I saw I got hit for over 600k by Elysian Decree.

U must be most delusional and bias player I ever seen ngl

It’s just a coincidence that top 50 solo shuffle 20 of them dh’s with half of them never been above duelist.

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Exactly this.No further comments you just said it all in one simple sentence.I hope blizzard does something fast.This is bad for the game overall and many people even the otp DHs in streams have accepted that DH is way to strong especially in pvp.

Stop being delusional and come to reality.DH is out of control especially in pvp.Even rank 1 players have admitted.Probably you are not into high pvp content to see whats goin on.Check ladders if you think DH is fine.And btw.Wake up.

DH is fine, just like retri paladin :slight_smile:

Says rogue when sub rogue deletes ppl in one shot :smiley:

Yeah Havoc is pretty broken, it’s so broken that pretty much almost every Havoc player agrees with that, and usually most ppl always defend their class, so you can kinda tell how busted they actually are atm.