DH healer spec - Hear me out

Guys… guys… guys… New melee healer spec… Reprisal Demon Hunter!

The principle is a demon hunter that has mastered the sinister art of ripping Soul Fragment from their enemies and redirecting them to its allies.

Abilities shared with other specs:

Metamorphosis: A demonic form with many arms to maximizing weapon slashes.
Fel rush/Infernal Strike
Blade Dance
Soul Barrier (on target)
Bulk Extraction (on target)
Reverse Magic
Consume Magic
Chaos Nova
Spectral Sight
Sigil of misery / Sigil of silence

Spec specific abilities:

  • Feed: Quick instant heal by launching soul fragment(s) to ally (mana intensive)
  • Cauterize: Burn ally’s wounds using fel fire. (slow heal)(easy on mana)
  • Cleanse: Dispel a friendly target by burning the curse with fel fire
  • Mana steal (from Warcraft 3 Illidan)
  • Talent: Instantly absorb the health of the nearest 5 targets and redirect to your target. Inspired by the BfA trinket Idol of Indiscriminate Consumption, a kiss/curse ability.
  • Talent: Metamorphosis now instantly taunt all enemies in combat within a 10 yard radius. When metamorphosis ends, instantly drop aggro.
  • Talent: Infernal Strike now generates a demon portal at launch location and target location, allowing instant travel between both locations for 2 seconds.
  • Sigil of Upheaval: Knockback and slow all enemies at the target location

Up to 10 Collected Soul Fragments can float above your head and shoulders. (Inspired by Kael’Thas animation design)

Weapons include classic DH weapons but maybe a scythe, whips, sharp chains…
Primary stat: Agility
Mastery: Increases movement speed and evasiveness
Passives: Demonic Wards, Double Jump & Glide, Shattered Souls

Hope you liked the general idea, if you have any more, please do share.

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Dont people have better things to do then making up fictional classes and speccs, i will remember your name if blizz ever make that specc, you might ask if i havent got better things to do then answer this figment of someones imagination. Well this 2 minutes, i didnt

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