DH in BGS, how we doing?

Anyone having any luck in bgs?

Thats pretty much the only pvp scenario where the class excels at at the moment in pre-patch.

It got significantly worse after that UBC re-rework though, as Glaive Tempest is easy to avoid and Trial of Ruin is not that nice of a choice anymore with Blade Dance’s low innate damage.

Yeah, just tried a few and I’m feeling a bit impotent in it…

You should pick up a Gladiators Medallion at the PvP vendor in Ashvanes in Boralus and consider moving away from Essence Break and Unbound Chaos. They are eh with your itemlevel and playing eh-choices is not that good of an idea especially with your rather low versatility.

Demonic Appetite is a must have too if you want to survive a little while. :ok_hand:t2:

I wasn’t using those talents for the bgs, armoury mustn’t have updated the profile yet.

I tried running the usual ToR + FB build, and tried a Blind Fury + Glaive Tempest build. Neither seemed that amazing though.

They are both alright. Blind Fury Glaive Tempest deals really good damage if you have mastery, but you cant do much else afterwards.

Trial of Ruin + FB is the sustained version for sure.

Bigger problem in your scenario really is just the lack of gear. Everyone runs around with 115-130 and max essences, cloak proc and decent Azerite which further enhances damage.

But yeah we are fairly lackluster right now even with my gear level. We are lower middle-field if anything give or take.

Well, illidari has been stopped is one way of describing it, Dh feels very weak and squishy, when i play on my ret pala i did 1v3 dh and beat them no effort which would be impossible before pre-patch.It is just sad, i enjoyed playing against dh before it was fun but now dh just die.

I am a casual but I seem to be doing fine as long as people don’t focus me or I am alone. Facing something like a paladin by myself… Its bad… I really hate that we don’t at least have a slow (and not sacrifice the stun). Me thinks that slow should be baseline. Still, I am having fun.

Weak. I feel like I barely tickle healers and in 1v1 the loss of Blade Dance makes me feel very squishy.

Basically every class feels like they can beat me 1v1. Rogues can kill me in Kidney.

I wonder this too. What else is the point of throw glaive?

Unstealthing Rogues. Literally nothing else.

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Ended going up vengeance for bgs finally. At least I can silence, cc people, and spin flags.

Not the best to be honest. Our survivability got hammered with big nerfs to all our defensive and with only 5% baseline leech the self sustain isn’t great either. Even if I win a fight I often end up left with little health and no way to regain it if there isn’t a healer nearby.

We are also not that great at 1vs1, typically our burst just isn’t enough to kill the target (unless you go really all in with meta but even with the 2min cd it isn’t always here). I would avoid those aswell, which is quite a big departure from bfa when we were great at it.

We still have a few tricks though, the aoe burst is still great, same with the utility with aoe stuns. So you just want to pop blur and your trinket (I recommend highly the one that gives you a bunch of hp when proced, really helps with survivability issues) before diving in to cause mayhem. You aren’t looking to kill a target, just put pressure on everyone and disrupt them, then use your mobility to get on a target already in troubles and help finish it.

You can also kite pretty well if you pick mastery of the glaive, which is really useful depending on the map. Otherwise the talent that makes nova free and reduces it’s cd is also great, it’s one of our best tools atm so might aswell take full advantage of it. Fel erruption is still great ofc, more stuns never hurt. But to be honest I stopped running it, even if you stun your target with it and make it eat your full burst they will probably still kill you so you are only really using it for the disruption, for which nova is better I think.

And don’t forget to use spectral sight as often as possible, sub rogues are far less scary when they don’t get their opener from stealth.

For pvp talents we still have strong options, but are a limited by some must pick taking up a few slots. Demonic origins is a must have, meta is one of our few trump cards so you don’t want to hold on to it because you are scared to use the cd. I also strongly recommend rain from above, it’s just a very versatile ability. It completly shut downs certain classes in 1vs1 where they can either die from it (if you lowered their health enough beforehand), pop a defensive cd and wait for you to finish you off in which case you made them waste time and a cd or just run away and leave you alone. It’s also great to be a nuisance in team fight if you already used up all your bursts and defensives. The third slot is more opened, and they are a lot of strong contenders for it. I have been playing a lot with purged by flames recently, it’s quite useful as an additional cc breaker although when running it you want to hold onto your immolation aura until you can use it to break a cc, it’s is more useful this way than just doing some tickle damage.

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