Yea, you did not enjoy it but cleared heroic 1 000 000 times with your main (only). Just grow up a bit and stop trolling. DH is a simple and powerful class but that goes for many others.
To be nerfed to the ground is just not an option. Every class should stand a chance, I have a friend with 3k in pvp. He complained against DH a lot, but also complained about how broken DKs and destro locks are. I can respect his opinion because he plays survival only and that’s a spec outside the meta.
Usually, people complain about everything: Destro warlocks, rogues, mages, DHs, DKs, even healers. Just play the stupid game. I decided to try warlock because they said it is bad for m+. It is proc class for there with less utility but I still did 19s with it. I can see how better mage or DH is there I did 23 as DH. However, in the raids (except last) warlock was a much better position.
At the end, I play the class for fun and joy. Destro is a simple spec that goes well. Still, I prefer Afflixion and Demo. Just play whatever you like.
Finally, try DH competetivelly and you will see that has twists and turns as well. It is strong everywhere but the best nowhere. The most important thing in the whole class is the 5% magic buff. As I love to say, excellent support class for warlocks and mages.