DH is dead in pvp?

Hi. No dh in ladder 2x2, 3x3.
Youtubers says it is nerf as shi-
Its true? Dh dead in pvp?

h ttps://ibb.co/F7tp7tF

Hope that helps you.
50 times more Dk than Dh
65 times more Warlock than Dh
and the list goes on.

Dh is trash and dead, need at least a flat 20% buff on litteraly everything and a complete rework of both talent trees AND both Hero talents.


This makes sense as to why I’m being picked apart in WPvP atm. Hopefully this gets fixed

Not really, it is still playable, just not as much damage as it was in df.


Not realy, but the illidari can be stopped now.

DH is not dead in pvp. It’d say it’s more a case that some specs are overpreforming so much it outshines everything else atm.

If you like DH, and put time into getting good at it, you can preform and climb.

That said, we’re not in a good state. Certainly some things that need to be addressed. But we’re not bottom and useless.


Thx all.
Dh or sham?(ench)(in pvp)

We are statistically the bottom class at the moment.

Can be checked on known PvP data sites.

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10% buffs for chaos strike and blade dance incoming.

This has always been the case for every spec of every class in every expansion. When people say a spec is weak it means it’s underperforming compared to others.

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Playing DH is trolling your teammates. War does everything dh does better, with more damage aswell.

Every class in this game will 1v1 you, every single one of them. Even top tier trash fire mage will put a fat one on your head, whilst laughing at what you are supposed to be Every somewhat meta class will bash your skull in with you feeling like you’ve never played this game before. Why? Because we have no sustain… zero… absolutely nothing. Leech is a meme.

Blur and Darkness (hilarious CD btw) is rng (which never was and never will be a good defensive layer), except for the 20% wall blur gives you. Even if you were to pop both of them at the same time, there’s still a good chance you’ll get nuked either way. Netherwalk is aight, but CD is out in space somewhere, so it’s just a 4 second timer till you get deleted anyways.

Every dog class you meet has some form of heal, where’s you have leech kekw.

If you don’t want to actively troll your mates, do not touch this class, let it die in peace.

Your post has nothing to do with reality, in terms of sustain its just the opposite. DH is very bad on arena right now, yes, but when it comes to duels it’s not so bad.

Dh has way too much healing in duels and way too low dmg.

I feel like I play healer, not dps. Leech is nothing, you heal with souls in duels that drops from sigils and talent blood moon.

You can literally heal for 1.5 mil every 10 seconds and another 1.5 mil every 45 plus random souls drops from aa and chaos strikes and you bget absorb from aldrachi reavers talents, so you are like drain tank without any noticeable damage.

From good things-you have double glimpse now to avoid even more cc.

You probably doing something wrong. The only real counters are rogue and demo lock. Not saying dh is best dueling class tho, but I was winning everyone in elwynn and I still do it, just the playstyle changed from dealing constant pressure to drain tanking damage.

Dh is still complete garbage in pvp. No dmg outside of mini burst/beam, laughable survivability.


It’s a pity that Blizzard doesn’t sit on the forum and they don’t care about the players’ opinions. I rerolled into a hunter. At least he has 3 DD specs.

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And all 3 are S tier :grin:


You can tell the devs don’t PVP. They made 80% of Havoc’s damage rely on small 5-6 second bursts every 30-45 seconds after lining up Inertia/Sigil/Essence Break. Like, that’s so easy to deal with in PVP. Just CC/kite/pop a defensive in those 5 seconds and DH is useless after that.


Frost dk has a similar stupid design. Mini burst windows with PoF and besides that no dmg, but man you need 3 years to kill dk and during that time he will torture you so much with the tools it has that you will get sick of pvp.

Blizz devs were like oh let’s make havoc dmg work the same way but let’s make it that it can randomly die without even being the main target. Peak design. I died countless times where team without any burst cd just swap stun and bb. Forsing my def cds and trinket without a single burst cd used. Playing arena has turned into
me eagerly waiting to see blur off cd every single time during a whole match because it’s seconds. Not to mention how many times I died through that same blur with 30% health. Also hero specs are one of the worst in the game, if not the worst.

With the current design, the spec lacks one entire def, short cd at the very least. Either that or significantly buff dmg outside of the burst (although the burst itself is not spectacular either).


Dh is pretty much the most squishy class in the game at this point.

If you dont glimpse a stun and you dont have trinket you are dead, dying in one cheap shot from a rogue is very miserable experience, especially after he survived all your stunlocks and burst like its nothing.

Blur should be useable while stunned and have 30 or even 40% dmg reduction to be viable defensive.

Plus such things as essense break should last way longer and the hunt should not break by ANY cc in the middle of charge triggering cd and not dealing any damage.


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