HI, im on draenor-EU Horde side LF mythic raiding guild.
I got Cutting Edge on first tier, and nearly on second tier… i quit the game when jaina was about 15%… long story, then i had to go to conscription, so missed out on 2 tiers and been only pugging stuff. And to top it off, i was locked in military base for 2,5 months thanks to the virus…
Now i have been pugging +15 m+ and hc raids, and i am ready to jump straight into mythic progress- doesnt matter at what boss you at. Prefering raid times around 20.00-23.00 ST and 2-3 times a week.
Cheers lads
Hey mate, super happy to have you onboard the best looking guild EU should you so want. We’re on CoA and are a VERY active guild at all levels. No CE in sight, just a lot of fun stuff and raids at all levels almost every day, from HC stuff to Mythic.
Here’s our newest recruit threads should you be interest in joining in the fun