DH looking for a military guilde

I am getting back into wow and rp recently, I am looking for a guild actively fighting in Kalimdor against the Horde/affiliated to the army of the black moon. Any active which would accept DH ? Those I found do not.

I’m pretty sure most actually military based guilds wouldn’t be attacking the Horde, considering officially, there’s peace now. You might be having a hard time finding guilds like that.
But, you might want to check on the Argent Dawn server forum, most guilds advertise themselves over there.

However, if you really want to join a guild with a DH, you might want to look into DH based guilds instead, although those rarely involve themselves in faction fighting. I think the Veiled Glaive is a decent choice in that case.

But if it really needs to be a military night elf guild, I’d look around Feralas in the evenings.

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