As title says blade dance needs the dodge back.
It shouldnt have been removed to begin with because our other survivability was also getting nerfed but with the lower self healing and this burst heavy meta right now i feel like we need some form of survivability back.
Also the dodge gave us some outplay potential by dodging crucial abilities.
We should get dodge back even if nerfed.
Something like 50% dodge in blade dance and 100% when meta is active (because meta “enhances” our abilities).
Or just always like 75% dodge would also be nice.
I just feel like we went from being the hardest to kill melee dps to the easiest target.
I completely agree, if anything, at least bring it back with a 50% Dodge or 1 second of blur. It’s not so much the survivability, it’s the lost interaction between the player and the class in combat.
Having the dodge made the game more interactive, reacting to the situation. Currently as it stands blade dance isn’t even worth using over demons bite outside of air/FB talent. If bliz are going to nerf something, nerf it but don’t take away the interaction between the player and the game. . .
I leveled both Havoc and Monk in this prepatch. With Monk I was ooga booga pulling because Fists of Fury gives me 100% parry while using it.
With DH I was dying to 5 mobs if I didn’t use Meta.
This was an ICONIC DH skill. It’s like taking away vanish from rogues.
@Shortyy gets it!
Its the interaction between the player and the class that suffers from this change. Frankly we need the 100% dodge back, not 50 or 75. It was that security for a split second that made my gameplay more interesting and engaging. Right now the class feels emptier, there is actual other interesting skill to take its place, feels bland every time i play it. Nerf our damage, don’t nerf our self utility and player connection to the gameplay.
There was no thought behind it. It just happened and when its every 6-7 seconds it’s definitely OP. It needed to go. If they wanted something in that form then it needs to be on a 20sec cd.
It was the only thing that allowed DH to stay in melee with Rogue/Warrior/DK/Monk without getting blown up. We need it back.
LOL. No. First of all, it wasn’t a skill, 2nd of all, it has nothing to do with skill, and thirdly, nothing about Blade Dance having a 1 second dodge buff was iconic, in any shape or form. A built-in dodge in a basic rotation was just annoying, that’s what it was.
What about they put it into vengeful retreat instead ? This would still allow for skillfully dodging certain abilities in pvp and avoid just lucky dodges because of BD being in our normal rotation, especially once our haste get higher and the uptime on the dodge just get too high.
We were given nothing to make up for that loss. Our PvE and PvP ability has been chunked and we got nothing in return.
It needs to be returned for sure. I do not understand why they complain about it. It was 1 sec and it REQUIRED SKILL to cheat the mechanic. It was not 10 minutes so everybody can use it.
Return dodge, and revert at least demonic. And yes, make fel barage baseline and NEMESIS back. So havoc can use so ST burst at least in their meta time.
Torghast bosses are a complete crapshoot without Blade Dance dodge. We need it back.
It’s insane how much survivability rogues have compared to DH right now. Evasion 100% dodge. Cloak of shadows 100% magic immunity. Vanish. If we can’t get blade dance dodge back then we should at least get stealth. Even then DH would be nowhere near rogue’s level. If the passive leech and dodge was too much then we need skills to replace it.
I concur. The ability doesn’t do enough damage for it to be particularly useful or interesting. The nerf done to most aoe abilities to cap them at 5-8 mobs hits bladedance even more.
The awesome thing I love about DH is that all abilities have synergy with certain situations and or abilities. This isn’t the case anymore for Bladedance b
Melee dps are destroying us right now that blade dance nerf is more than it seems. We need more survivebility and ST damage, please Blizzard make baseline talent choices just core ability nobody choose over demonic to momentum and when we dont take FB it’s waste to use Blade dance at all which makes rotation boring while making other classes that can respect op dont ruin our only spec.
If at all it needs to be it’s own ability.
Hightend Senses
~30-45 sec CD 2 charges.
Increase your dodge chance by 100% for x second/s (like 1 second i don’t know)
That’s probably what should have happened. At least something along the line.
Sounds like a way better alternative instead of it being tied to every blade dance indeed.
This way it will be more skillbased and no too op either because you dont have it tied to the rotation.
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