DH pvp (world pvp and BG)

Hey im making a DH just for the heck of it:D I was just wondering about ther performance in PVP (bg and world pvp). How are they atm?

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Demon Hunters are very viable at the moment.
Throw Glaive is now a viable part of their build since they brought back DoT damage through talents, except now it’s chaos damage instead of bleed.

However, leech got hit hard and you can’t keep yourself alive while meta is up anymore nor The Hunt which used to give you a heavy health boost. Even Fodder to the Flame’s heal has been reduced to something much less than it was for Shadowlands. In fact, nowadays DH picks both Fodder to the Flame ALONG with The Hunt and even so, it still feels less capable at surviving than past iterations, including Shadowlands. Get very comfortable with Netherwalk timing.

So if you like me, felt attracted due to their solo potential, you might wanna think twice.
Fury Warrior is a better choice nowadays for that playstyle.

By now, people have wised up and you can’t expect to ruin Rogue’s openers anymore. Any rogue with an IQ above double digits will land a sap or an opener on you before you, them.

For World PvP it’s whatever. I’d even recommend going Vengeance since WPvP.
DH still has great burst cleave damage especially since Essence Burst got changed into this amazing hard-hitting ability that also primes your targets for extra damage taken for 6 seconds.

Just remember to gear up before you judge them. This isn’t BfA, Legion or early shadowlands/DF where you could be your own healer through leech mechanics.

Uh, so in short… (I always go off on a tangent)

  • Much squishier than in the past (even by Shadowlands standards)
  • Highly competitive due to good damage and of course still great mobility
  • Few new additions and a few returning things from the past
  • Very popular to play
  • Leech survivability is a thing of the past for this spec

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