General Information
Is looking for dedicated players who want to be part of a great group of people who like to smash some bosses together. or Dark Horizon has been playing together, for some since vanilla for others since classic but all playing together, as friends and having fun clearing content as we go.
We raid on Wednesdays and Sundays 20:00-23:00 server time. We expect you to be on time, have consumes, enchants and gems ready. We ask you to be committed to the raid team and be open to feedback. Most of all we raid to have a fun night and we won’t be aiming to rush the content in the first few weeks, that means you will have plenty of time to level to 70 and get most of your pre-bis gear sorted. We are recruiting certain classes to fill the Remaining potential raid slots for end game no spot is guaranteed so you will have to prove that you can get attuned and geared and play your class well and earn your raid spot. If you have friends who you want to play with, they are welcome to join the guild with you as a member and join in on dungeons or if a raider is not available for a raid maybe they will be asked if they want to join for the evening.
Loot System
We use a simple /roll loot system with certain items being prio for their class/role/spec. This list of prio items can be viewed by everyone and will be published well before the first raid. Any input or discussion regarding certain items is welcome before we start raiding.
What classes are we looking for?
Druid - resto
Hunters - BM
Paladin - holy main spec
Shaman - resto and ele
For more information contact me in disc or ingame on Guuan