DH Survival has to be buffed

Let’s be honest current iteration of Blur has no meaningful effect at all. The damage reduction has to be increased or they should give additional charge to it. Currently leech does not compensate the weakness of blur.


we dont want another DH meta

i agree they can be squishy but they gotta be careful about it.


nerf blur to have the 100% parry / dbts treatment then we’ll talk about it.

Is blur still a 100p evasion from all angles that works in a stun?

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Idk, I might not get any friend but I feel like dh isn’t as terrible as people make it looks like.

they are pretty strong in term of dmg and they don’t die easily, you can still abuse vengeful retreat bubble and blur still a 100% aoe parry on low cd.

Maybe people are to much used to idiot proof design and freewin, you can’t always be on top of the food chain but dh isn’t that bad.


Yeah lets make dh even more brain dead. Their toolkit is fine.

They don’t need a defensive buff when they already have insane damage along with mobility


No thanks. This ape class ruins the game whenever it’s tanky, it’s perfectly fine as it is now.


I killed a DH through Blur on my warrior. So i kinda doubt it. :joy:

I think it stops giving them dodge when cheap shot or storm bolt is put through it and stun the dh, same as evasion or dbts.

Anyways to reply the topic rather not see more defensive buffs for melees, all classes seem too tanky already that gameplay feel almost boring cause it.

Too many cc and too many defensives on most classes that two dps can endlessly rotate that if ppl do use their abilities a match easily becomes this where there is answer to everything, idk if ppl find this enjoyable. Even some easiest specs like fury and retri can just endlessly prolong game with cc and defensives and op would want now dh to join them too, nah I say nah rather not.

I like my buttons feel like they do something when I press them and not just until the round has gone for 4min and everyone ran out of stuff to press. Currently the game is too slow. Stuff need to die faster and not only when they forget to press their buttons.

DH players always think DH is terrible when it isn’t an unkillable 2 button one shot meta class.


One of the signs that a season is a good season is that there are few (ideally none) DHs in sight. Buffing them goes against this and you risk seeing more DHs in all forms of PvP content, which in turn makes the season unpleasant.

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Boring class. Better rework it to be more skill-based.


DHs have no place in PvP.

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“Increases your chance to dodge by 50% and reduces all damage taken by 20% for 10 sec.”

This is the definition of Blur. 20% damage reduction with 50% dodge chance. From my experience this season, this works for nothing at all. If you think DH is an easy class, I believe then we should compare it with BM which is another easy class. While the damage is comparable, defensives are certainly not.

you have 3 walls lol

so doesnt mage cause its always broken more broken than dh can ever be.

Obilot-Profile hidden cause bad

Could be said about any warlock specc aswell

Absolutely not.

Dh are supposed to be glass cannons and use their mobility to peel away from danger, just like monks.

They are not supposed to be able to facetank damage.


You cannot make a DH thread and not expect all the “DH is fine” rival professors

But yeah, you are right, people hate listening to the truth or facts

On EVERY other DPS in the game, except Moonkin, you can cycle def CDs forever with your healer.

DH and Moonkin are the only DPS who can literally run out of buttons to cycle with their healer.

The devs show no signs of changing this, as the majority of feedback their hear are 40IQ takes like


30IQ opinions such as

I guess there is no problem for Hunters and Rets to have 10 different def CDs, kill you from range, be immune to everything and have infinite team utility

But there is a problem for a spec that only offers damage to not die in a storm bolt lol



I am so happy Blizz doesn’t pay any fkn attention to these threads😂 wow