pls nerf this class, especially when playing necro its insane, now they get a 20% flat dmg increase LOL, blizzard does not care about pvp at ALL
Sounds a lot like you need to “git gud”
20 % dmg increase?
what did i miss?
Do you mean the set bonus?
could you please explain to me what you mean by saying that?
DH OP, no explain, only OP.
Exactly that!, OP in PvP, especially now with the set bonus + Necro
Demon hunters are fine, let them be, Watch them glide and transform into demon and you might enjoy it too and become demon hunter enthusiast!
They are OP check arena logs damage.
Do not spam as 60pala. Go you main dh
This is my main infact. Im just demon hunter enthusiast.
The only thing not fine with DH is the immunity to any and all CC when transforming into a demon on the jump.
That’s only a window of 1 second on a long CD (depending on PvP talents, 2m vs 4m) I can imagine this being a bit more problematic with the new tier set though. However, 1s is (A) hard to time, and (B) if you manage to waste a CD at that exact moment, you kinda deserve it.
That’s the problem though, with 100% of the people playing DH having no idea what they do and just smash random buttons it’s impossible to predict when they’re going to use it.
If they have no idea what they are doing, you shouldn’t have any problems taking them out in the first place.
No one dies to a DH, what are you on about?
I dont get it ether They mortal strike dispel they are tanky they self heal like mad…and i heard notes reads note of new patch.
Blizzard Dhs can do so much they burst alot they are hard to kill can dispel u cant run away from them. And not 1 tiny nerf on there self heal or remove the mortal strike pvp talent.
I type it again to get it thruogh A dh is
-good self heal if atackin
-hits like a truck on steroids
-can dispel
-extremly mobile
-hard to cc
Yet not 1 tiny nerf they are op I get it its ur love child blizzard but pls wake up
totally agree, they need it either remove healing reduction and self heals or nerf dmg or some cds/pvp talents
I dunno as DH I feel pretty weak in pvp because the spec lacks defensives.
Well if u consider that you have blur every 40sec or even less and u have a passive magic dmg reduction of like 25% give or take, and u have darkness, and u have insane self healing and netherwalk, and if u play the pvp talent a 75% dmg reduction and cc immunity when u VR + insane mobility and insane pressure + 3 ccs. What are u talking about? Meanwhile dks have the worst mobility and only 1 cd vs physical dmg with much less dmg and cc(especially Uh)
3m CD and we have to stand inside
No, not and. We either have insane self healing OR netherwalk, not both.
Yeah so it’s a skill “shot” with downsides that also takes a pvp talent slot.
in 9.2 it will be around 40sec which by itself is INSANE its a really strong def. even by itself and nothing else in ur toolkit its really great. Darkness is another trick up ur sleave which can help teammates so ofc it should be 3min. Also not true u have healing even without the leech talent when u get into meta and still u can use netherwalk or just go full insane heal. Also that is not a skill shot ahhaah its a broken mechanic, its not difficult to use it when u see a cc being cast or even pre casting it and being in the air and taking 75% less dmg to mitigate a chaos bolt or w/e. DHs are busted u cannot argue with that just say yes and go on playing the class. (And if those werent enough u just have a passive 25% and more now with 9.2 spell dmg reduction)
You can find something OP about any class, and some classes are just better at countering specific other classes. Your rant here is pointless, because I’m 100% sure other classes can find the same issues with DK.