Dhs delete?

It’s not the player’s fault for how Blizz design the class.

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Ww is s tier dont worry about other speccs

Well u dhs don’t need to worry, apparently they are good again as soon u get acces to shadowlands borrowed power systems.

DH bad 10 characters

Not sure how beta works right now, but can you get high ranked conduits already currently? If yes, that means they will be B-Tier in 1-2 years from now when you can get legendaries and those max rank conduits judging by Skillcapped.

Unless Beta is just using low ranked conduits, then they will probably get higher ranked.

I saw couple dhs yesterday in arena, saw 2.8cr Dh in Durotar who was smashing anyone who would duel with him.

Dedicated dh players still play, just those who were playing for meme are not.

U play prot lol i dont think ur allowed to talk about dh

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Easier to counter prot than it was to counter pre-pre-patch DH

Ur a Girl right.

Yea but thats only on ur mmr and skill related i meet prots they play way better and never die.

YoU’rE A GIrL RiGhT :nerd_face:


Demon hunts most squirel bren specazashon in geme. finalee nerft and ol expirience on demon hunts from ligion and batel azrot worseless! evri mens an weemens who not squirel bren no zat 3k on demon hunts it like 2.2 maksimums on any ozer Klas. bibi noob klas, wil not missed yu! ahahahaahhaahahah it so funni mens it maked me startet laughings :laughing: :rofl: :grin: :grin: :joy: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :laughing: :grin: :laughing: :laughing:

oh an olso a lot demon hunts cryings awwww so sads litel mens :frowning: :sleepy: :frowning: i so sori but you deserf it, like iliden sey YOU ARE NOT PREPEIRT MENS! AHAHAHAHAAHA it maked me starte to laughs olso more zan before :rofl: :laughing: :laughing: :joy: :smile:

gud ridens mens. rog magisian teke more skildz zan squirel bren demon hunts

I am really curious how and why you said that xD


Why the DH hate? I thought it was otherwise a fun-ish class, but very underpowered.

Any rogue stuns a DH, and the DH is insta-dead.

Why do people hate DHs so much, and why do people think they’re OP, but no one EVER dares say anything about the elephant in the room, the MOST OP THING EVER, the rogues? They can stunkill you in less than 1 second now, before it was like 1.2 seconds. No matter what class you are (unless healer or Paladin or something).

So why not say the same (or MORE) about rogueS? DH can’t cope against rogues, but rogues always kill every classin the game OR at least are always able to escape, unlike DHs.

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How do you play “for meme”? I don’t understand at all.

I don’t think people play for such weird reasons, people play to win, and DHs just can’t win - and people still hate them for some reason. The most underdog class in existence (after Shamans), and people hate them as if they can ever cope against any other class.

As a Moonkin, gotta say the difference before pre-patch (8.3) and now is kinda big, DH is not a threat anymore in PvP so far, just sayin’.

edit; i used to hit my sister harder

yeah when they realize they can use their mobility defensively too they will comeback.

I dont wanma be mean so i asked haha

I will give you an example,

BFA start 8.0 there were only a few ele shamans playing, guess why? For many people the numbers on details/recount were important. Everyone was playing as an enh shaman, as it was almost the best melee spec.

8.1.5 brought a buff to the elemental shamans, elemental shaman became the one of the top tier DPS.

Guess what?

Where ever you will look, everywhere were elemental shamans.

So yeah, dh got nerf, no high numbers, everyone (the ones I have mentioned above) switched.

DH is gone until people get defensive conduits. It will be back in SL 100%.