Diablo 4 Necromancer

Just playing about with talents and this class in general.

So mnay cool and interesting talents and skills surely some of them could be added to DKs.

It also makes me want blood dps as well

From a class fantasy standpoint dk was never meant to be a necromancer, necromancers are wizards of cloth and staff, summoning minions exclusively. Death knight is a KNIGHT of plate and 2h weapons, and the moment those 2 got confused back in legion is the moment the downfall of dk began (hint: see my other post about that). From a mechanical standpoint this would just be awful too, since wow is not a top down hack and slash mobbing game, having yet another spec be completely focused on pets is the last thing the game needs, as far as pvp goes anyway, and potentially clunky in pve too.

Idk might be a hot take but unholy will always be the heavy dot + pet assist (and only assist) spec to me, bring back threatening dots and necrotic strike please and thank you.


I was more thinking of just taking some ideas from the abilities more than anything. I would like DKs to be able to tank and dps in all specs again. Id love to play blood dk dps.

Id actually prefer they striped the ghouls completely from DKs. Make unholy the anti paladin, heavy disease, unholy auras type of class. That would allow room for a necromancer class.

Frost tank could use a shield.

Dancing rune weapon could be permanent rather than a cd.

I dunno theres just way more ways to make dk more interesting.

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But they dont have to be. The orginal concepts in mmorpgs necromancers only ever had one permanent pet, and their abilities were centered around Poisons, Diseases and stealing life.

And D4s necro doesnt even use its pets later game. It sacrifices em for self buffs, and specializes in blood magic and bone magic.

While cloth has been a staple for the class blizzard can change that.

In older mmorpg, priests wore plate, while WoW made em cloth as a simple example here.

But to a extent i think ur right, necromancer being added as a seperate class would be best. Itd be hard to deliever the necro playstyle everyone wants in 1 singular specc.

As atleast rhen we could see both pet and non pet necro etc etc.

And unholy reverted to how it orginally was prior the mecro forcing

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Yeah I always felt like we need some sort of “dark knight” or “anti paladin” fantasy expressed, more so than necromancy. Thinking a bit of the chaos warriors faction from warhammer. Big, scary, evil, slow, plate bound goliath. The plague bringer fantasy works well though (thinking 4 knights of the apocalypse vibes too).

I mean sure the Lich King had loads of necromantic powers, but I’d argue that’s fine, he was the Lich KING, bringing all aspects of death and necromancy into one powerful being.

I agree in theory, I’m just wondering what’s always been the case since wow launched and people asked about necromancers… How do they differ enough in play style from warlocks? Minions and dots and all that jazz. Remember when they wrecked Demonology back MoP/WoD so DH can feel more special?

Would be hard to make up a new class centering minions and undead when you already have Demonology for Warlocks and Unholy for DK’s.

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