Diablo 4 should have pvp

It had some arena-like thing but it was awful.

plx don’t go down that road


Yes, it’s more HL than what we had access in Beta.

To be fair, Diablo Immortal that as similar gear system as a pretty decent PVP mode. It’s not too complex, but Mobile oblige it had to be simpler. D4 could have tohe potential to go further if Blizz want to go that way.

simply this is world of warcraft forum not diablo

This is officially Diablo forum

Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Please send your feedback for Diablo IV there and not post it in WoW general discussion which is meant to be about WoW.

simply this is not diablo forum

Firstly. Great post OP I agree completely.

Playing Diablo 4 beta I noticed how the game was seriously lacking something…

Then it came to me, what the game needs is a competitive game mode. Imagine the possibilities, Blizzard can host this competitive game mode on Twitch, and we can hit, maybe 10.000 viewers. Then the winners can win cool stuff like a Snickers bar and a diet coke. We could call it the DDI (Diablo Dungeon International). Finally the entire game should be balanced around this game mode which is being played competitively by like 200 people.

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