Dialog fading out

Hey there!

I got an issue with dialog fading out. I have tried finding if it was an (addon) setting or something else but I have no idea why it does it.
Basically when an NPC is talking to me but the chat window closes (or events where you have no chat window like Ve’nari and placing those beacons) the dialog gets faded out really quick. This make me really sad cause I can never hear Jani’s laugh anymore (hek hek hek!)

Probably some World Quest addon you have installed.

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Hey Divona,

If you’re closing the “talking head” chat boxes manually, it’s normal that the voicelines also fade out because you’ve basically indicated you do not want to see or hear that conversation. If you’re not the one doing it and it’s happening automatically without your input, I’d indeed expect an addon issue as mentioned above, and I’d recommend you follow these steps to Reset your Interface.

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It was like you said the World Quest helper addon that had disabled talking heads. Thanks Zaxithorne and Raijin for the help!