Dialogue Audio Missing when watching cutscene

After completing the new campaign quests this morning and during the one cutscene all dialogue audio disappeared. Even after the cutscene when playing the game all audio dialogue was missing from NPC’s and in dungeons.


Is anyone else experiencing this?

This happened to me yesterday. Dialog just went silent.

Yup, yesterday during some storm gryphon quest lines and today during new campaign quests.

Had to completely exit wow and run it again.

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Had the same Issue… Looks like I´ll have to rerun them, I just assumed that for there was no voice acted dialogue for whatever reason, woudln’t have been the first time.

I have searched the forums but I cant seem to find if Blizz has confirmed this as an issue they are looking into. Anyone know anything?

same here. how did this pass the beta i ll never know…

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We didn´t have most (I think any) cutscenes on the beta… one because blizzard wants to keep them a surprise as long as possible, and 2 because if we did then inevitably they would have been leaked and with that all the whining about beta /ea access being included in the Epic Edition would have gotten a shred of legitimacy, even if it was only one person that saw and streamed it.

Yes, it happened to me as well.

I noticed the same error about 2 days ago.

Same issue, restart the client to fix it.

had it since EA. restarting fixes it, but turn on cinematic subs just incase as it triggers again randomly

Happens to me EVERY cutscene… I gotta restart the game to get any dialogue back :sweat_smile:

At least it sounds like they may be fixing it soon but I too have missed out on like four cutscenes of dialogue now.


same issue