Dialogue keeps getting disabled

When i started the level 80 war withing campaign i have this weird bug.
When every cutscene starts every npc in the whole game becomes mute even in the cutscenes.
Only solution is to restart the game and it works fine until the next cutscene.

Has anyone else experienced this?


When an ingame cinematic plays, it sometimes disables dialogue sounds. The only solution I have found is to restart the game, which fixes the issue temporarily until the next cinematic causes the issue again. It happens very frequently, every couple of ingame cinematics.

This is happening with all addons fully disabled and the game running completely vanilla.

This release has been very buggy, maybe Microsoft should not have fired so many QA staff after taking over.

It is also possible that they just did not have enough money to pay voice actors so thats why half the game has no audible dialogue. Who knows.


I had the same issue twice too.

Same thing happening to me. Just started doing it today. Dialog stops when a cinematic starts, so you see the cinematic without any sound, and afterwards all NPC dialogs are gone. Very frustrating not knowing whats being said.

Same thing happening to me. Just started doing it today. Dialog stops when a cinematic starts, so you see the cinematic without any sound. Very frustrating not knowing whats being said.

Yup, can happen randomly.
It goes further that even the npcs (like the transmog one in the Yak) voice doesn’t go through, if this helps narrow it down.

During and after every cinematic the dialogue sounds are completely muted. You can restart the game, but once another cinematic begins the bug reappears.

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Hi there,

Thanks for the reports everyone!

We’ve identified the issue that’s causing this, however given the nature of the fix a new client build will be required, meaning it may still take another couple of days until it’s finally resolved.


What was the issue out of interest?

Yes, pls better to wait and have a great fix then to have the issue appear again. I played today the latest chapters from the campaign and after the LV in game cinematic the audio was gone. Tried to drop the quest, restart the client and do it again, same thing.

Does “new client build” mean weekly reset or before? I guess I’ll wait untill then to finish the campaign.

Given the big push on story (which i’m really enjoying) I was hoping this was fixed sooner to not lose players etc

I’m having issues with the Lilian cinematic.

Literaly it doesn’t appear and the camera stay in the same position like when you go to the ascended nerubian and Xal’atath laught.

Please, next time contract professional betatesters and don’t give beta keys to anyone.

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I’m glad to hear you are working on the fix but any tips for a temporary workaround ie. disabling addon or using a console script would be so helpful this is really killing the game experience for me.

Yes same issue … last 3 cutscenes I had to read subtitles. I hate reading subtitles from when I was a child. Many main plot chars are also muted in and out of cutscenes. And the anoying part is that you can not restart the cutscene, even if they fix the bug. :sob:


Any news on this? Still kinda worried to try and continue the quest.

Same here, I’m just leveling alts as I don’t want to continue the campaign without working cutscenes. Plus, it is really annoying to always have to restart the game after a cutscene.

This issue has now been fixed and you should be safe to keep going in case you were holding off.

Please do let us know if you run into any problems!

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Anyone know of a way to rewatch them? I have trawled youtube for the cinematics from the point the horde and alliance arrive, hoping someone has put them up, but I can’t find any.

I don’t have subtitles enabled so I watched them with no idea what was going on.

I started going through Dragonflight because I want to see what I missed after stopping in Shadowlands. But this is still happening. I am getting cutscenes with no audio.