Diamond Ice NERFED to 4 seconds. Insane

Hunter is the only class with true skillshots. (DH sigils are 5x the size, hit everyone inside and trigger almost instantly, don’t even mention it). Freezing Trap is the hardest CC to land in game, and it hits 1 target, and often enough it hits some Treant or some other BS pet with clearly 10x smaller hitbox. (PTSD from facing Resto Druid every game in DF).

Landing a trap in retail is so much different to when Trap Launcher was released.
People are teleporting all over, dashing, flying, they have freedom, they’re sprinting at 200%+ movement speed and tons of immunities and evasive abilities like Fade, Revival, Port, getting Sanc’ed, double Grounding Totem, getting AMS by their DK, Life grip by a Priest, even playing with a friendly DK, he’s gonna slappy hands grip the guy you had your perfectly aimed trap lined up for.

Now with normal trap not breaking from 1 point of damage, the number will still be laughably low, 100%. Any class with passive AOE cleaving (every class) on almost every spell (thank the M+ devs for this) will break it in MAX 2 globals. With some haste, this means it’s gonna auto break after 2-2.5 seconds. Your 17 BM hunter pets are gonna break it. Explosive Shot and Bombs are gonna break it.

In addition using normal trap stuff like Paladin taunt, Shadow Word: Death ++ will add yet more low cooldown abilities to look out for, and also making it useless vs. Dispersion and Emerald Communion.

All in all, pointless nerf by Blizzard, considering Hunter has few real good PvP talents anyway. Survival can situationally use Disarm and even more situationally use Interlope, but it ends there.

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diamond ice is the one CC in retail which inherently is stronger than cyclone, deserved. Frankly should be mass dispellable or something dtbf

Good, now people won’t shout at me anymore if I just do scatter on healer instead

Shouldn’t be nerfed. It and clone where one of the few outplays against evoker communion and helped with paladins and their sac plays etc.


Cyclone doesn’t need a travel time, Cyclone doesn’t need awareness of where your enemy is, Cyclone can be infinitely spammed into a Precog, Cyclone doesn’t require a PvP talent to be unbreakable, Cyclone lasts 1 second more without even trying. Cyclone has ~1 second cast time with in season 3-4 or with PI.


Nice ragebait
Cyclone is still best cc in the game
Freezing trap is the worst cc in the game, good hunters dont even go for trap on healer (in shuffle)

BM Hunters don’t need to, pressing 123 makes up for any CC the healer needs to suck up.

Just wanted to say that immuned CC should count towards DR

But do carry on

keep in mind that breakable cc now gets a damage threshold until it breaks. So it may cause you not need to use diamond ice where u had to before

Core of skilfull pvp mechanic is gone (actually it’s gone after df season 1)

Pvp is already in awful state and they making this. But for hunter it doesnt help, it’s overall giga nerf. Only big damage will save hunters, like any other spec in this pve game


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