Did anyone else get a Social Contract reminder?

I’m asking this because earlier today I was playing Rated Solo Shuffle and someone typed “reported” in chat, so now I’m wondering if I was falsely reported or if this was sent to everyone?

Edit: Should I open a ticket?

Nothing here.
Think it’s just you.

You dun goofed.
They’ve probably backtracked it by now.
Cyberpolice will be knocking at your door shortly.
Consequences will never be the same.


I got it when I logged on this evening and had to agree to it again. That was before I’d actually done anything today so hopefully it was just some weird thing happening.

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Well, you definitely got reported alright, but that doesn’t necessarily make you in the wrong.

I don’t know what you did. You can tell us if you want to, or you can not and we’ll never know for sure.

The reporting systems are very broken and very automated. It’s been very obvious for a long time that, despite Blizzard having 8500 employees, their moderation and anti-cheat efforts in game just aren’t very good.

And the problem with this automation is it’s not necessarily the nicest people who are using it, so often what’s going to happen is it’s the toxic people getting the nice ones banned and the nice people not getting the toxic ones banned because they’re too nice to risk someone else getting their account suspended.

Bots are everywhere and everything seems to be automated, and for them to just slap on a little notice when you log in saying “pls be nice” is just pathetic. Like, I’m sorry, but they need to do better.

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Thanks for the replies. I’ve decided to just ignore it.


Yeah I got it when I logged in earlier. They appear to have set it to pop up occasionally just to remind us to keep on behaving :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I got it too when I logged in earlier, and I don’t talk to or interact with other players ingame.

Evidently they just re-sent the contract to the biggest known troublemakers to keep them in check.

I’m obviously a delightful saint which is why I didn’t get it.


You’re a gnome so we know you’re lying :wink:

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Or they just forgot about you :grimacing: bit awkward…

I too had this pop up today.

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“So are we giving out random reminders to players about the social contract thingy?”
“Yeah go on then…”
“OK done. It’s been sent to the players”
“Oh you missed one… some guy with an account and a character called Frizzle.”
“Never heard of him. Aren’t they a type of crispy bacon flavoured snack?”
“No That’s Frazzles.”
“meh close enough. Send it to Frazzles”


I just got this popup now as well.

There is no way I got reported. The only people I spoke to yesterday was an old friend and a PuG group I played with for 4 hours because we just jived that well together. There is absolutely no way in Hell anybody reported me yesterday. Literally actually 0% chance.

I guess they’re just popping up… You probably didn’t get reported OP :slight_smile:

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Generally if you get reported and blizzard is interested to the point of reminding you, you’ll also have an email explaining the transgressions alleged and what action blizzard has felt appropriate to take . If you’ve not had such an email I doubt you’ve been reported

I checked my email and nothing. I guess they send these reminders from time to time to everyone.

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