Did Blizzard butcher N'zoth? (Spoilers)

The great manipulator, the entity that made Deathwing its sock puppet…
Does almost no manipulation and gets McGuffin’d out of existence after accomplishing nothing, and having no meaningful, lasting effect on the world.

He lead us to Xal’atath, knew it would land in Azsharas hands, and…let her keep it after capturing her. But then we actually managed to use it to get into his inner sanctum? And… kill him? Was this just an elaborate suicide?

I’m hoping for an Evil Within style “Lol, I actually checked out before the last bossfight via the now empty dagger, you were just fighting a puppet and this was part of the plan.”
But I don’t have much faith…

Also, while I’m ranting, I think they really missed an opportunity with the mobs and bosses.
Instead of sly, creeping, nuanced manipulation/ insanity, a lot of the voice lines are just “Lol, look at how obviously evil I am!”

They turned what was supposed to be a being of unfathomable intellect and cunning, into a dumb space octopus, that removed itself from Azertoh (so that we were safe to kill it, good job, N’zoth) and then just actively helps us kill it…


i just think there’s a trick,

Able to create vision with personnality, the infinite dragonflight don’t get much details, and we are able to retrieve paper for wrathion inside a “vision” ( so that not real) ?

Man i really think it as tricky as the death of ilidan, need more lore about the infinite dragonflight and the Void Lord to understand what really happen.

Even Xal’atath given no sign, Blizzard said there’s a instance somewhere as same of the twisting nether for the legion.

You know what i was thinking ? That the Old God volontary let them killed to be out of their prison. And then to come back to their original planet corrupted to do their will.

Not agree they go to other planet ? Hey man don’t you see when we kill argus the unmaker there’s many full corrupted planet and 1 with big void creature ? I think N’zoth know that there were not enought acolyte to bring down azeroth and without the other old god he couldn’t make it so he go back to their friend to an onslaught.

Still i don’t considered the burning legion defeated until i’ve understand why the legion could manipulate the void soo easely without second effect.

So i just think there’s a trick and we are blind to the present. Remember Deathwing lore was here since Warcraft 2 , the lore is well thought. They just need to programs all the timeline and the game and let us play the game so we got time to do quest and everything. But i suspect the lore is merely 9 extension ahead. So much details in Warcraft 2 and 3 that come out only now. Details from Wotlk with the quest at dragonblight after the cinematic what said Alexstraza about Bolvar and his fate ( now that the plan of Alextraza impact the cinematic of Shadowland) etc.

We are just judging the present. Maybe the quality of the cinematic of N’Zoth death was poor. But in the lore i trust.

First off… even if there is some trick to it, I don’t really think it works narratively. They at least have to tell the players that he is probably still around, else we just won’t respect him like we used to, when he pops up again. If they come in 2 years and give us the Oceans 11 montage of what the full plan really was, in an outburst of exposition… I’ll probably just roll my eyes. What I know now is that he was at his full power, all the information, no need to rush, loads of agents, the ability to manipulate people… and it came to nothing at all. This guy will never feel like a real threat again, even if the devs tell us that he is one. So yeah, in that way I think he was butchered. In my eyes the upcoming novel is kind of their last chance to sell him to us as a villain with lasting impact, but I’m not holding my breath.

And personally… I just don’t think that any followup is really coming. The schemer villain is only scary as long as you can’t touch him. As soon as he is out in the open, it’s hard to have the heroes confront him without dominating him or being squashed by his preparations. Since obviously we can’t die a final death… the former it was. I really think that they just had no idea what to do with N’zoth once he was free, so they just made him a normal raid boss. And with the typical BfA lack of quality control, they left in plot threats that they had already abandoned that pointed towards some greater plan they had considered.


well it is called visions of N´zoth, so yeah things might not realy be as they appear to be, for example why would N´zoth give the dagger to Sylvanas, when he literaly knew she was plotting whit Azhara, he aint that stopid, I still think that the true N´zoth ended up in the dagger, something he literaly was planing all a long, and his physical body was most likely phased away.
you se if n´zoth ended up in the dagger, you can be sure some numbty is going to pick it up, and take it whit him/her to the shadowlands, and then most likely get help from someone there to brake free again, meening, you all of an sudden have an old god free in the shadowlands, what would be bad realy bad.

I thin N´zoth knew that Sylvanas was going to open the gate to the shadowlands all a long, so eighter he wants to go there, or he literaly let us kill him so he can get away from Azeroth just in case things go realy bad.

well all that suspense came to champion kamehameha crap out of n’zoth.2 xpacs later we will find out that all of this was lie and another plan of n’zoth…

The dagger disappears after Wrathion used it on the shell of n’zoth so there’s no more dagger.

well yeah, but doesnt the dagger have a life of it´s own or atleast had it, my theory is that actualy N´zoth, put his life force in the dagger it self, and just shifted away and it might pop up somewhere else later again, something it kind of always have done.

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N’zoth isn’t dead. He’s inside the Dagger and is controlling it’s wielder (Wrathion).

Ny’alotha was a vision. Meaning N’zoth could show you whatever you wanted,

N’zoth knew he would be forever hunted once he was free, so he made it seem like we killed him.

Butcher what? He was never a character, he was just a plot device. You can’t butcher a plot device.

I’ve been giving this some thought. And I suspect we’ll see an Old God expansion at some point down the line with multiple OGs active, involving Xal and Alleria.

All and all, this make sense
What do we know?
N’Zoth was/is the weakest of the Old Gods landed on Azeroth
(well not counting Xal’atath… she could be an Old God, regaularly calling them borthers, etc.
“It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C’Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y’Shaarj, and… well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be.”
“I know the naaru consider us horrors to be resisted. We do not share this view. They are merely beloved brethren that lost the true path. They will return to their masters… in time.”
“We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago.”
"The spawn of the Titans infest this area. Despite our “gift” of the flesh, they still worship those false gods. "
If she was/is an Old God, she was stronger then N’Zoth - calling him weakest among them - and her brothers had to work together against her)
And he was the first to be imprisoned
And thats when all of them was free and the Black Empire was still strong, so strong Aman’Thul had to reach down and tear Y’Shaarj out, to break their power
Okay, so N’Zoth was defetad first and not by the Titans! The Titan-forged and their army
Had plenty of time to think about this
So we have three facts:

  • He is smart
  • Know the dagger enough to release Xal’atath from it (and observed how she managed to gain a body, then retain enough power to tear a rift in reality to leave the planet and roam the cosmos)
  • Was already defeated by Titan-forged army and chained under the eaerth

Think about it, after eons of manipulation, he freed himself
But whats the situation on Azeroth?
The Black Empire is gone… every one of his brothers are in prison or as dead as an Old God could be (that is not that much, even Y’Shaarj is hinted is slowly coming back, see the Island Expedition quest, starting with the wrigling mass), no more huge armies, no elemental lord servants, the aqir are fregmented and evolved something different (and in case of the Nerubians, they even severed their ties to the Old Gods) , the N’raqi are nice brutes, but azerothians are killing them on daily basis, like the K’thir or the Zoatroids… even the Forgotten Ones are not “safe” and the mighty C’Thraxxi generals, entites that terrorized empires and literally whole continents and required mighty Watchers to beat back are killed left and right by US
More importantly, the Titan-forged, the Watchers and Keepers who managed to break the Black Empire’s might and imprisoned him and the other Old Gods… are mostly dead and gone and why? Becasue WE killed them!
So sure, he wanted to get out from the prison, but after that? He is a parasite. Can’t just pack and leave Azeroth, where the Old Gods status is at the moment: extremly endangered species, at the brink of extinction!
He insisted the Blade to be left with him, wich Xal’atath accepted as a term
He knew the blade is good for… several things
He knew this and gave it to someone whos betreyal was 110%
He knew MOTHER and Magni found a way to actually kill an Old God - something that was uncomfortably unfamiliar to them, the fear of death
He knew, it was impossible to win - cause chos? Sure. But corrupt the world soul ,win and make the Void Lords proud by done what none other Old God could, corrupt a Titan? Nah… they lost with way beter condition, and now he was alone… against US
Sure, worth a shot to try to win, but planning his grand escape, like Xal’atath did was a logical move
Or his main plan, considering staying on Azeroth is a death sentence to Old Gods at the moment thanks to MOTHER’s plan
But in that Dagger? Not only could manipulate, but he was capable to slip off the radar, not considered anymore a threat or a priority to be destroyed… with a high possibility, he could do what Xal’atath done, find a body and leave this misrable planet and be his own master!
Grand plan from the grand manipulator, a mastermind, who observed the situation and came to the conclusion, he can’t possibly win, but could be destroyed.
The Dagger was such a briliant move, you could only clap
And we ate it
The whole enchilada
Everyone on Azeroth honestly belive, we have won this little “war” against an Old God
While he is safe in the Dagger, while the logical move from our part is to use MOTHER’s plan to eliminate one by one all the other Old Gods, removing their infestation from the Planet
Except… him
He is okay
In his grand Vision… he truly won
He survived and potentially coudl be free and be his own master, like Xal’atath did
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


or at least this would be logical
But you know Blizzard…
Anyhow, preapre an “I told you so” in case I am right :slight_smile:


Either way, first time seeing nyalotha and nzoth is wasted in a raid.

Of course they did. They butchered N’zoth, Aszhara and a billion other characters. They completely killed their identities.

What identity? The identity of an evil octopus who wants to kill everyone because he is evil? Yawn.

I personally HOPE that Ny’alotha was to N’zoth what the Sunwell was to Kil’Jaeden because I’m still expecting that void expansion because with only 2 areas mildly affected in BFA at best this clearly cannot be called a void expansion



Doubtful, anyway, Old Gods were just learned of the Void Lords so who knows? Maybe we will have to deal with 'em later.

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