Did Engineer Bres Polymorph me WITH Failure Prevention Unit?

So, I was in a dungeon with my dh tank. One dps died so I wanted to battleress him with my engineering ress. I got polymorphed, got confused, and then it hit me. First time I actually use the battleress, it must have malfunctioned.
The Bress is the only reason I kept engineering. I personally dislike the leveling of Engineering currently. Spend way too much gold already and I still can’t make useful items, so I found another engineer on my realm to help me out.

I had the 405 Engineering head quality 5 [Peripheral Vision Projectors], by another crafter through a workorder and gave only quality 3 mats:

  • I added a quality 2 [Tinker: Arclight Vital Correctors] (the battleress). Made by myself while specced with Mechanical Mind 15p > Inventions 40p.
  • The crafter added a quality 2 [Critical Failure Prevention Unit].

What am I missing? Nowhere in the tooltip can I find anything about chances of failure. I assumed the tinker should not have failed because I made and I specced into my tinkers not failing…

  • Is the poly because of the engineer battleress malfunctioning?
  • Why did it malfunction? What are the chances of that happening (with different qualities of everything)?
  • Are there other outcomes of the battleress item malfunctioning?
  • Where can I find this information? Is it in the profession journal?

I was in a group with a mage, we were fighting the Raging Tempest in the Nokhud Offensive. Is this something the boss does? Maybe mage misclicked poly and it was reflected on me or something? Key was depleted anyway, but I don’t trust my bres anymore. Me getting poly as tanked = wipe, which is worse than one partymember just not getting ressed.

I hope you guys can help me out, I’m really bummed out by this.

Engineering is like that.
It always has been like that, as far as i know.
Rocket boots shooting you up in the air or putting a fire dot on you. Some of the backfires could be really funny:)

Profession skill “Mechanical mind number.35”
Makes for less malfunction:)

Catastrophic failure will hit you for a large chunk of your hp and cause the tinker to incur a 6 hours CD.

The polymorched, confused, etc is a normal failure which the critical failure prevention unit doesn’t pervent.

If you already have engineering procession, you can have a perk from specialization that prevents catastrophic failure. In that case the reagent that reduces failure chance the chance by 15%

What happened to you was a regular malfunction not a catastrophic malfunction. I know that a tank getting polymorphed in combat is usually is what you consider catastrophic, but this is not what the term “catastrophic” means in game.

A catastrophic malfunction (which the critical failure prevention unit prevents) would cause you to take a large chunk of your HP as fire damage (in combat it’s high likely to kill you when combined with other sources of damage) AND incur a 6 hours CD on the tinker.


It malfunctioned because it has a chance to. As I said above, the [Critical Failure Prevention Unit] prevents only catastrophic malfunction.

There is a post on wowhead that says different qualities of the tinker affect the cast time and the chance, but he says he got the information from a youtube video (he didn’t link the video).

The cast time is easy to test in game. The success chance is harder to test because you need to test many times to get reliable data.

The following outcomes occurred to me based on my own experience with the neltharion breath tinker (I don’t use the CR one because I play druid):

  • Polymorph
  • Getting reduced in size
  • Running at high speed forward for a few seconds (can cause you to run into a trash pack and aggro it or into fire, or whatever)
  • incapacitate / stun

The DPS from the breath tinker is not that big unless pulling a big pack of mobs, but I used to activate the tinker in town whenever it’s off CD because it has a chance to make me discover failure reagent recipes.

There aren’t enough information in game apart from what you see in the tooltips. Google searches and wowhead has some reports from player experiences, but not actual reliable data.

For a non-engineer it’s situational.
For example a healer in a boss fight dies and there is no way your group can kill that boss without a healer. You have two options:

  • Wipe
  • Use Engineering CR and risk it failing and wiping. Even if at 90% failure rate, it’s better than a 100% wipe.

As an engineer it’s not that bad.

  • There is perk “mechanic mind - inventions” 0/40 that prevents catastrophic malfunctions (means you no longer need [Critical Failure Prevention Unit]).
  • There is another perk in “mechanic mind - inventions” 30/40 that reduces the chance of failure. The tooltip doesn’t say by how much.
  • There is another perk in “Optimized efficiency - generalist” 35/40 that also reduces the chance of failure. The tooltip also doesn’t say by how much.
  • There is a reagent [calibrated safety switch] that reduces the chance of failure by 15%. This is the only thing that has an actual number in the tooltip, but it doesn’t say 15% of what. So if the chance to fail is 20% for example, will it reduce it to 5% (20% - 15%) or will it reduce it to 17% (20% * 15%). We don’t know the initial chance to begin with, and we don’t know if it subtracts or multiplies. Different qualities of the reagent affect only recipe difficulty when crafting.
  • An engineer can have two items with tinker (googles/bracers). There is a [Tinker: Grounded Circuitry] that you can use in the other slot (googles or bracer) which guarantees success. This tinker never failed for me (but may be it can fail, I don’t know) and it doesn’t incur potion CD. You can use that before using CR. That tinker has lower CD with higher quality (45min/30min/15min). The CD is reset when you start a new M+ meaning that you can use CR reliably 1-2 times in a run (depends on when the deaths occur). I read on reddit that using both in single macro may cause the res to fail. To use both separately.
  • I don’t know if engineering skill has an effect on the success chance, but I am currently at 100+16 Engineering, and I very rarely have breath failing. I failed more often when my skill was lower (but I also didn’t have any of the perk that reduce failure chance). In previous xpacs, engineering skill had an effect on tinker chances (but the CR device was not a tinker and had 100% success chance in shadlowlands afaik).

I have currently only one of the perks that reduce the chance of failure (need 20 more knowledge to unlock the other one), and the one that prevents catastrophic malfunction and I use [calibrated safety switch]. My engineering skill is 100+16.

I did some testing by going in a mythic dungeon using the tinker, starting the key to reset the CD of the tinker, using the breath tinker, leaving/resetting the dungeon and repeat. I did 18 tests and I was polymorphed only 1 time.

Of course this is not enough data and I need to test a lot more times before it’s reliable, but a 1 in 18 chance to fail is not that bad. When combined with [Tinker: Grounded Circuitry], it means you have have 1-2 reliable CRs in dungeon run, and more unreliable ones with 90% success chance. It’s a lot better than having no CR at all.


Thank you for your elaborate post and giving some insight into the failure rate!

‘‘Different qualities of the reagent affect only recipe difficulty when crafting’’, thanks you for this info. If I understand it correctly, this means the 2 star quality of the Critical Failure Prevention Unit does not affect the failure rate compared to a level 3 Unit.

I am a bit surprised by the malfunctions though, never had any malfunction in BFA or Shadowlands. Maybe I lost a chunk of health a few times, but I never noticed. Guess that’s just the way it is now.
Maybe my low skill affects the tinker to malfunction more frequently. I already have Mechanical Mind - Inventions at 40/40, but I’ll make sure to level engineering some more and spec into Optimized Efficiency - Generalist 35/40 as well. I will give it some more time before switching professions.

Would be nice if Blizzard could share the failures rates though :slight_smile:

In a lot of situations I agree with you that trying the CR with the chance of it failing is better than not trying at all. However, if the boss is low health, a failing CR might mean wiping, while no CR and no wipe means a slow kill. So I’ll just have to be mindful when I choose to use it.

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