Did High (blood) elves traded with Human race during first great war?

Just a simple question, were they aware of each other during the first great war and did they traded with each other?
I know that high elves were even a part of alliance at some point, but i cant tell it for sure.
Im curious because i want to find my elvish parents profession.
If anyone know the answer, thanks a lot!

High elves were aware of humans well before the First war. The High Elves asked humans for help with Trolls (Troll wars). The elves taught 100 humans arcane magic. However they did not help much during the First war.

Together, they crushed the Amani; an empire that had endured for more than twenty thousand years. Humans and high elves have cultivated this alliance ever since.

The high elves only helped out on a small level in the First War.


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Thanks for advice, however i have another question.
Do you think it would be possible if the trader family (husband, wife and daughter) were saved from scourage due to them trading in stormwind during the arthas attack on quel thalas?
I know some elves were refugees and found help in many cities around azeroth, would such idea be plausible?

Well a number of High Elves decided to stay with their allies after the Second War. Maybe they had a reason to travel from Lordaeron to Stormwind. Perhaps they saw an opportunity in the rebuilt city?

The real question is what the elves would want with crude human wares. Maybe they were having a fad of ironic appreciation? I can just picture them at market, picking up wool shirts and pottery from a travelling human trader who’s so proud for the opportunity and the elves are just snickering to themselves and being condescending in the most highbrow elven ways that go straight over the trader’s head. Then they go home with their “rustic” shirt and put it in the cat’s bed.

Elves are jerks, is what I’m saying.


Guess could be like those parties when the guys take an ugly visually not that attractive girl (or girls take such guys) to a party and the competition is about who brought the “Queen/King of err… not so appealingness”
Not that I ever done such thing
Promise, cross my heart :eyes:

Just with human craftsmans and crfatsmanships

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