Did someone say Master Loot?

WTB ML back to 100% same-guild raids, leave PL to pugs if you want


where is my master loot blizzard ? give it back ā€¦

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only if M+ and PvP loot will be bis for its content
So you couldnt gear trade 1 pve hero to be OP in every other game mode



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The problem is that no one asked for it to be removed in the first place, which pretty much guarantees we wonā€™t see it again. Blizzard tends to never back off from decisions made entirely on their own initiative

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And this decision has quite a few supporters, its not as one sided as it was with PvP vendors removal, where pretty much majority wanted them back.

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Thatā€™s delusional.

Iā€™d say everybody whoā€™s playing in low-end raiding guild wanted it gone.

From trials never receiving loot to having failed their ā€˜trialsā€™ without receiving anything, all the while paying for their subscription to play just to be abused to blatant ninja-looting in pug raids on top of all the ā€œX,Y,Z is reserved or donā€™t joinā€ runs that were rampant during WoD BRF/HFC.

Iā€™d say master loot has no place in the game, not if the choice remains in the hands of a single person in the group.


OP be ready for GMā€™s girlfriend arguments.

Btw. why not merge those two? I mean, Personal Loot + Master Loot. If thereā€™s 3 items per 10 players then make it 1 item being distributed by ML and other 2 randomly by PL. You canā€™t abuse it either way.

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Some people canā€™t accept that lots of guilds did master loot badly and their answer is always herp derp just leave then. Iā€™d have spent expansions forever changing guild if that was the case. It just is not practical and it makes you incredibly undesirable to recruit.

I think out of all the guilds I have been in over the years from TBC until today, just one did it fairly with a council. The only other way guilds were fair is if they were forced to by systems like EPGP/DKP etc but those have downsides too.

Good ML guilds geared their team and it is undeniably the best way to do that. However ML is also the most abusable system. Too much favouratism, gearing the fotm classes, gearing the officers, their friends etc etc.

I like that they have put control over loot in my own hands, now that WF/TF is gone trading will be fairly easy after a short time.



Besides joking, I think that punishing good guilds that used it in a good way is wrong. Punish the bad guilds only.

The problem is that there is no way to do that.


Private servers solve this very good. Report with screenshots/video, if not clear evidence then reject. 30 days ban first offense, 60 days second and third is perma. You can go and buy a new account.

Yeah I know, they will lose money on moderation, but Iā€™d say bringing back moderation is key to solve A LOT of issues, for instance botting.

I guess my point is that there are always ways, itā€™s just up to Blizzard to start actually giving a crap.

How do you prove that you are never being rewarded loot and itā€™s always going to their favourites, friends, officer team, fotm classes?

Itā€™s just not practical. Nor do I think expecting Blizz to review any of these submissions is realistic.


Like I said, if itā€™s possible for a puny little private server, Iā€™m sure a ā€œmulti-dollarā€ company like Blizzard could figure it out, if they wanted to ^^

Stop taking away good things because of minorities.

Except the minority in this case is guilds that do ML well. The sheer volume of work it would create to deal with tickets from loot disputes is utterly impractical.


If the majority of guilds were using ML bad, why have I never met any of these corrupted gms in over 10 years of playing in god knows how many guilds across different realms? :thinking:
Ah yes, because they were probably 1 in a 100.


Why would Blizzard take on more workload for a problem that solves itself once the players have had 1 drop of the ilvl that they wanted to tradeā€¦

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A: M+ is spammable
B: PvP gear should be superior in PvP environment anyhow. Regardless of accessibility. A Mythic raider should not have an gear advantage over someone running around in Glad gear in any content that involves PvP. By all means make an Elite Set which is stronger than the regular glad (and the blue anyway) set and not just an cosmetic so people cant go ā€œwƤh wƤh mythic is harder than getting gear from zero rating arena wƤh wƤhā€.

This also goes vise versa. PvP gear has no place in higher PvE content.

No you cant prove that. It would be pretty much impossible until you catch your GM/Officer admit to it on discord/ingame chat. Which hands down wont happen. Afaik if you dont get loot unless you deserve it and even voice your opinion on it just leave. The same can be applied to people/trials not getting their spots after 1 raid/kill or whatever. Effectively locking them out of loot as well.

The system was flawed before and it is now.

Afaik if you stay in such guilds then sadly thats your own fault. Such guilds usually fall apart rather quickly and never advance very high. I mean my own experience doesnt matter much in the whole picture but from all the guilds that i have been in (which should be roundabout 12 in total) NONE of them had this issue. But i also dont pick any guild at random.

no idea how private servers handle this issue, care to elaborate a bit more? how exactly are they proving it? how does it work?

is it though? i mean yeah noone should stay in an abusive environment but then you will have a history of leaving guilds, which will look really bad and you will have difficulties getting into a good guild.

so you are doomed to hop guilds forever.

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