The dragonmaw have gray skin…
If they drank the pit lord blood their skin would have been green would it not ?
And Warlord Zaela talk about “The pureblood” in a quest in twilight highlands, when she wants the adventurer to kill the felblood dragonmaw from outland that have taken control over the clan…
Are the dragonmaw from the main universe mostly Mag’har Orcs(uncorrupted) in reality ?
No, the MU Dragonmaw drank the felblood like all the other clans.
It’s unknown how their skin turned black again, it might have something to do with the presence and/or magic of the black dragons they controlled, but by that logic their skin could’ve/should’ve turned red too thanks to the presence of the red dragon slaves they had at one point.
As I understand it, mostly all Orcish clans did drink the Felblood. With some exceptions evidently, like the Frostwolves, refusing to fall into the temptation.
The Dragonmaw are wierd in this case. I may have missed it, but it isn’t really explained as to how this one splinter clan came to be not only uncorrupted, but sustaining their own society and code that echoes their lives in Draenor whilst living in Azeroth of all places.
What’s even STRANGER is that Mor’ghor or w/e his name is, the former fel orc chieftain with his cadre of other Fel Orcs have also been there from the start. It’s described that ‘since he returned (Mor’ghor), he has changed so much’, which only goes to imply how big of a rock these Dragonmaw have been living under all this time, or that there has been some kind of amnesia epidemic going on.
Overall, they were probably just a plot gimmick for the Horde side to have a presence and a counter against the Wildhammer. But it’s nice to theorize…
There isn’t really a lore explanation, why they didn’t turn green.
The only reason why their skin is grey was to different the Dark Hordes Orcs from our Horde. That’s also why Saurfang for some reason was green.
Not like we didn’t had other gray Orcs, but that’s the basis.
From what I remember (might admittedly have been old lore) it was because they lived in Blackrock mountains originally with the Blackrock Clan and were under influence from the black dragons.
Unrelated but I hope we get to see them again soon. We know from Legion that Gorfax Angerfang now leads them and that they were accepted back into the Horde despite what Zaela did - or maybe Gorfax leads a branch of the clan that had remained loyal to the Horde, kinda like what happened with the Grimtotem Tauren ?
Anyway. Now that UC is lost (although the Forsaken are said to have reclaimed Tirisfal Glades) they’re really one of the last bastions of the Horde in the EK alongside Quel’thalas and Revantusk lands
You’re forgetting Andorhal (Forsaken controlled, one of the largest cities of Lordaeron) and the Frostwolf Clan.
That said, I too hope they’ll appear soon, and hopefully with Garrosh and Zaela’s secret son, who stayed behind with the clan while Zaela fought against the Alliance in Blackrock mountains. A person can dream