Did they buff torghast again

He can also be a nuisance and pull mobs you don’t want to :laughing:

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or you were just unlucky with powers if you run solo

run it like all the coolkids in 5 man group with 220 dps carrying stuff :slight_smile:

I only do Torghast solo and it is generally not a problem however once in a while you come up against a hard boss which can one shot a dps spec. This is not something that is buffed recently.

Possible solutions are to run only level 6 ones with alts when in the 200 ilvl area, you won’t have to worry too much, or if you want to do a level 8 one make sure to pick every single phantasm you can and choose only defensive powers and not the ones that allow you to kill ordinary mobs faster.

Sadly that I cannot tell. Officially there have been no changes to Thorgast, and being 220 I cannot really tell if it did become harder with 9.0.5.

Blizzard slapped ilvl recommendations to the layers, so I wouldn’t find it impossible if they bumped the difficulty up slightly.

Thank you - I’ve not been called a god before :smiley: Though I haven’t yet managed L8 Mort’regar.

I accept that the content CAN be solo’d, but to assume that everyone can - in the same way that ANY driver can be Lewis Hamilton standard (popular YouTuber… looking at you!) - is the most absurdly far-reaching mind-set I’ve ever encountered… not saying it’s YOURS, Ananda, but it’s perpetuated… a LOT.

At least you have the option to go with friends or randoms. I find it’s more fun with friends.

Thanks for bursting my bubble. I’m nowhere near the best player in the world and have no confidence in my own abilities at all. I was just happy someone thought me a god for finally managing to succeed at something. :cry:


I accept the option exists, but I don’t feel that my general approach to what content I play in WoW ‘needs’ me to regularly clear Torghast, n/m complete anything that’s higher than Layer 3.

Random Forum user: “Layer 8 is a faceroll!”… for YOU it might be, please accept that not every player is you.

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"hugs Ananda*
I didn’t want to belittle your achievement, just reinforce that my own is on par, to me, as your is, to you.

Did I just have an Asperger’s “sarcasm fail” moment…?? :worried:

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Reminder to those who missed the point of this thread

Torghast feels easier for me on my BM hunter and my vengeance DH. On this fury warrior it depends on the anima upgrades and randomness of any bosses I may get, that determines if it was easier or harder for me. I think this is true of all specs at the moment, it really is random and if you get lucky with the upgrades its a piece of cake if not, you may be in for some rough times.

Do you mean the same character, in the same gear… in the same wing & same Layer, before & after 9.0.5…?

have heard mistweaver monk are good in torghast …

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