cant find it anywhere? also seems like bubble and freedom and basically anything else gets auto-dispelled now in pvp?
also bubble doesnt remove like half of the slows in pvp anymore? wtf is this
cant find it anywhere? also seems like bubble and freedom and basically anything else gets auto-dispelled now in pvp?
also bubble doesnt remove like half of the slows in pvp anymore? wtf is this
Yeah, mage basically automatically wins vs ret now. There’s nothing you can do vs them.
If you face a mage then you are dead. Unless the mage player is bad and/or have no gear or have connection issue.
wait, undispellable freedom was removed long time before
Chainsaw What about auto dispell buble ? can u explain what u mean?
I mean Its pretty much over vs good mage.
Ret lost dispelable free.
Its over vs anyone that can purge our buffs and slow us, so mage, hunter, shaman, warlock (usually they dont opt to this ability), priest (they dont really slow you, but removes your buffs and bubbles and do massive dmg with their short cds). Then take this to arena you usually face a comp with one of these classes if theyre kiting team and youre just standing there waiting for someone to carry your targets to you.
Rework! Yay, gives us 3s freedom on steed but its on choice node with blessing of freedom wich is quite huge L, but helps a bit with these slows, but 3s every 45s is it enough considering amount of getaway tools certain classes have?
This seems to always be the case when it comes to ret. A buff comes with a nerf to ofset the buff. A new ability comes with the removal of another. They go round and round to do everything BUT give us a say…
Gapcloser/strong-spammable slow/CC to get in par with others/Healing debuff
They have and will throw everything in the book except the above and when that doesnt work, shuffle abilities around for an expansion or 4.
Saw a talent that reduces stun duration by 20% and thought oh thats nice and kinda OP… ofc it was cuz in pvp its 10%. Now here is the question, IN WHAT PVE SCENARIO IS THAT TALENT NEEDED???
Its constantly like this, both our fairly weak CC are reduced in pvp. JVs secondary effect on stunned targets reduced for whatever reason and some of our slows aswell. ALL pvp oriented abilities are reduced in pvp.
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