Did too many versions of WoW create the mess Cata pre patch is in?

Regardless of where you stand with Cata classic, it’s hard to deny that Cata pre patch is not in a good state, and that many of the things that are currently broken have been reported by many players during the beta.

But what made Blizzard deliver something this broken? Both TBC and WotLK prepatch were way smoother than this.

My gut feeling tells me there’s simply too many versions of WoW for the dev team to maintain. I mean, we have retail, MoP Remix, (had) Plunderstorm, Cata, SoD, Era & Hardcore. Granted, Era & Hardcore probably don’t take that much resources, but they’re still there. Is it a general lack of manpower to maintain Cata? Because what was shipped out to customers today is worse than any private server that I played. And Blizzards product is a paid one. I never paid a cent for any of the private servers I used to play on for several years.


True, the Classic team is so small and they have to divide limited resources between SoD, hardcore self found and Cataclysm.


The reason we have bugs, essentially, is that they had to rewrite the code for the entire Cataclysm. 2009 Cataclysm and 2024 Cataclysm don’t run on the same engine. As an example, 2009 legacy addons from the cata era do not work on the new client.

I assume they imported the majority of art, quest text, sound and voice assets, but they had to recode the entire client/server with cataclysm.

And cataclysm add a lot of changes to the world, the classes etc… And they did it in less than 2 years with a limited team.

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It’s so sad, I was kind of happy to get back to cata, but honestly, is not unplayable but not even private servers are that buggi, I can not blame the devs only but who on earth thought that the game was ready for the pre-patch. So sad, the only and last month I’ll pay :frowning_face:

Not that.

They have fired way too many old-timers.

Remember the Latino Software Engineer who resurrected vanilla?

They probably fired all of those veteran ppl and hired ppl fresh out of universities whom they can pay a pittance,.


Corporate overlords want their $500k yearly “bonus” so they have to cut on hiring people to work on the game.

THey’re just not hiring anyone.