Didnt get "Return Lost Souls" Weekly Quest

You can only use your current covenants cosmetics.

If you chose kyrian and switched to venthyr you can no longer use kyrian cosmetics only venthyr ones.

but :frowning: i want two covenants

Still waiting for you to fix the servers. Maybe try that first Blizz and stop being lazy.

I’m still waiting for this to be fixed too.

I’ve done all my other covenant quests, have not changed covenant (been Kyrian since I got to choose) and yet still haven’t got this quest. I did the introductory Maw quests including the ‘get five souls one’ so either we should get credit for the weekly five souls for that or they should give us this quest.

It also means that we’ve one less follower for the mission table, putting us at a disadvantage (albeit minor) in terms of levelling those, which is unfair.

I’ll piggyback here, Redeemed Souls quest next week [NEEDS] to give 4 souls, why? Because I can’t build Abomination Factory when I’m sitting at 2 atm & the reward I’ve seen from beta footage is 3 so ugh roadblock.

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Thats nice.

I’m current in a queue to get in, that would be a great start.

Yes, but what if we’re having the issue and have not changed covenant. I’m seeing that it’s not just me that has this issue. I’ve done the Bolvar quest, collected five souls and yet randomly have 2 in my sanctum reservoir and am only on renown 3, not 4.

So I assume that either:

  • I should have gotten 1 renown and 5 souls from that quest
  • The proper weekly quest isn’t appearing for me

Same problem here. Can we at least get the clarification Blizzard, what is wrong with this.

Should we get 3 or 4 Renown this week and if 4, could we get that another weekly (or the renown) this week?

If it helps investigating the issue, I also remember doing the quest but getting no Renown reward. Sitting at 2 with only one weekly quest in log. Also, never switched Covenant.

Also, why are community managers coming and hijacking the thread with seemingly unrelated answers is also beyond me…

Looks like the issue we’re reporting regarding not having gotten the weekly souls quest and therefore not being at renown three isn’t actually a bug at all according to WoWhead. I’ve had people saying they’re on 4 renown, but that’s clearly not the case.

That said, I’m stuck at 2 redeemed souls still, despite having been in and out of Oribos, so clearly there’s still some issue there.

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