Died due to weird sever lag

The server has been laggy, en the loading screans long and wierd ever since the last reset.

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Been getting the same, yesterday evening in Duskwood / Westfall and this morning in Duskwood. As above:

. Landing at a FP, hang in the air above the FP for 5 - 10 secs or more
. changing zones, client seems ok but if you try to do anything you realise you are phased out or w/e, nothing works
. attacking mobs, abiities “stick” and nothing happens for some seconds
. was just in a party in Duskwood and we all lagged out at the same time, one guy DC’ed but others stayed in game but “stuck”, like me.

Not happy playing while things are like this, if it’s the same later I’ll have to go back to retail until it gets sorted.

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I am glad it wasn’t me and my internet connection, at least I don’t have to change provider. I managed to level to 10 last night after my character died due to the lag and I wonder whether it’s safe to continue playing tonight.

Lost lvl 37 due to this lag last night, talked to some people one lost his 49… I saw mobs around me hitting me, my hp going down but I couldnt do anything, abilities and pots didnt work when I click on them.


This is happening for EVERYONE… it really needs to be fixed… you cant lag for 8 seconds straight and expect to live in HC.

I was lucky i was in party within a cave, my char seemed to lag out… none of my abilities would work - it was stuck in a constant cast mode for about 8 seconds… then everything just zoomed and caught up and i had 30% health… luckily the paladin in my group healed me or i would have lost lvl 34 char…

This 100% needs to be fixed ASAP or could ruin the entire experience for everyone.

Everyone in my guild getting the same problem too, like 20+ people… so its defo a server problem and not individual.

Please fix fast.

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Hi there,

Just for awareness we’ve moved one of the threads from here over to the Customer Support forum where we’ll provide more info and updates when possible:


Yeah, insane lag on Stitches, lag arround 5sec but arround 30 sec too. I just almost die at level 58 on eastern plagueland cause of this issue.

Please fix this, after 2 days it should be fix it’s the week-end

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huge lags all day long on nek’rosh, escaped death only cause we play in group, 2 of us

same lags on wotlk realms btw…

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same issues on wotlk realms too =\

Billion dollar company btw.
Hardcore realm is unplayable with this stupid lag. The interns and outsourcing people seem to be best solution as a billion dollar company right?? Actually stupid that I even bother with this trash game and company. Go suck bobbys coc even more actual trash people

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Today I died because of serverlag (Nek’rosh - Alliance).
I heard my character getting hit, I ran … and ran … and ran …
I tried to use Bubble, I tried to use potion, I tried to use LoH … I heard the sound of LoH an nothing happened …

Best thing … I got out of combat … could use my mount … and then …

Just look at it: https: // postimg. cc/XryP0mJv
(Had to break it up, because I can’t include links …)

I am fine with dying in HC because of my own fault.
I am fine with “go agane”, If I make a mistake … but that …

280 Blacksmithing (incl. Armorsmithing) / 245 Mining
225 Cooking / 200 Fishing

What the hell is that … no warning in login screen, no servermessage … nothing …
This is legit a “quit moment” … why …

I kindly request some kind of answer according this issue.
Have to say that my will to play is broken beyond repair …


I died to your incompetent server hosting as well, in this case you should be rolling characters back hella fast, noone will “go agane” after this.

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They won’t be rolling back any characters … that is a given.
If they do that, they kind of show, that they are at fault with these lags … so …

I am still baffled … I love the mode, I love the community in it and I love the “you have one chance” … but …

Just for me a “go agane” won’t happen, until there is some kind of official response … I mean HC and having something as important as lag being out of your control … and not being at fault, because the whole server has the problem …

I didn’t realize that there are lags - there was no launcher message, no server message (the yellow thing), anything at all … why have all these things if they are not used …

I would be fine with any kind of official response … something … but I am sure that they will just “weather the storm” and be done with it …

And therefore, there will be only one choice for many like me: “not go agane” … and I hate it … most fun in WoW I had for a long time … but that situation is like seeing your partner cheat … you might forgive him, but you won’t forget and you will not go back …

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Well who do you think is at fault? Me?

There is an official response, they have 0 clue what to do, that’s it.

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I never said you, or any other player (me included, I also lost to lag), was at fault.
But Blizzard doing something like a rollback would just shout “we failed, sorry”. They NEVER do this kind of thing … so the characters are gone. That’s what I wanted to say with my post.
(Even if doing it here would be a big W)

There is an official response about the lags? Could you please link it? I didn’t find anything, except 1-2 blues switching posts between categories with no information about the subject at hand.

It’s right here in the thread man, that’s your official response.

Ah okay, thank you.
The “08/15 corporate we hear you and we are looking it it”-response. I kinda glossed over it, because it had nothing of value in it - it is a stock answer.
Still ty for the fast answer.

I find it interesting Blizzard expect everyone to read a forum they even took two days to reply to this issue. Why can’t you just go out with a simple server message or when you log in “Hi, we are having problems with our servers right now and working on a fix, we recommend hardcore players to not play until we have a fix for this” Instead you letting players die as flies.


I hoped it was an isolated incident - while many experienced lag, only me and 1-2 others losing their characters. But now I see the issue is widespread affecting even lower population Nek’rosh. Mine wasn’t a big loss - I was only level 12 but I am really disappointed to see players losing their 30+ or even 40+ characters.

Let’s continue our discussion in this thread where it’s more likely to receive any official response from Blizzard: