Died on hc

Realised I don’t like Hardcore, but I liked the community it had.

I wished things stayed relevant longer.

Well, even as your soul passes on HC, SOD comes around the corner for a new fresh take on the game?

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Detsember 1st on the EU starts WoW Classic Season of Discovery. No permadeath, new runes that enhance your gear giving classes new skills and lvl cap 25, probably till January.

Season of Discovery would be perfect if they did new quests, raids etc itd. But left classes alone.

Kind of Priest tanking and Warrior healing? Its even more strange than retail.

The beauty of Classic and TBC was the progress and that you did to do all things in order. In later retail expansions you could skip previous raids and get gear at vendor for doing insts…

Yea that’s just like, your opinion, man. Classses needed an overhaul, badly.

So classes need to be like retail warrior healing and priest tanking?

Of course you can alter talents and abilities etc itd but dont mess with the roles… for example make warrior able to solo stuff like the rest.

  • it’s still new content
  • you don’t know if it’s better or worse, it’s not even out yet
  • class design can’t really be any worse than what’s on vanilla, the bar is lying on the ground

Why do you think they shouldn’t mess with the roles? We are getting something new that’s not even on retail, that’s fantastic. You had 20 years to play the old unbalanced trash (and still can) that is classic where you only have 1 or even 0 viable spec per class.

Who will play a warrior who cant solo stuff if its not the tank for insts and raids ?

Then warlock will be best for everything since its best PvP (except rogue but then you need epic skills), best survival in solo quests etc. itd. when you give it a tanking or healing role too for PvE.

?? You can still tank with warrior
Again, you are talking like you already played and know the meta

That’s just like your opinion. I hope you stay SoD.

You are confusing facts with opinions bro, they teach reading in elementary

Nope Classes need re-design or contents need renewed are both equal good (or rather bad) opinions.

I just hope all wanting changes go to SoD and stay.

Why do you even bother to comment on these forums? You only complained about HC “HC is finally done” because you werent able to solo a group quest.

You will also only complain about SOD, i can already see it coming.

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If it’s gonna be bad then yes I will :upside_down_face:
Nobody forces you to read it

Alright, >> here we go again meme <<

HC wasent bad, yeah server crashes and FP bugs where bad, but HC overall feelt like a different game due to you started to play different even if it was the same old classic era wow.

But you are only complaining about HC becuase you lack knowledge of the game and you died due to it. Just like Imperatur died, lacked knowledge about the area still he died “for no reason”

I can’t wait.

Whether it was good or bad is very subjective, for example if a player died to lag and uninstalled, I think he would consider it bad.

Ad Hominem fallacy. You disregard everything, even the positive things I said about hc because in that one scenario you didn’t agree with me.

He had a bad experience at the time, just becuase they rage due to it dosent mean a game/game mode is BAD.

Just becuase I tried a Nissan and dident like the car for my preference dosent mean the car is bad. Please tell me if I am wrong.

Sure, you have said positive things too, but you have been more negative against it and much of it have been due to what I already pointed out.

Can’t wait for SoD. After Vanilla, Nostalrius and Classic as well as Hardcore I played the game a lot.

Time to change things a bit. So happy Blizzard goes this route. If someone dislikes that they can just be quiet and enjoy era.
So everyone has their place.

Did you though? Care to give me an example?^^