Just wondering what’s the difference between chromie time cata and cataclysm classic. I understand they are built on different gameplay, but my question is what’s the difference in terms of quests/lore/world. Basically, do I lose anything if I play cata chromie time instead of cata classic? I don’t really like the classic gameplay so I’d prefer not to.
The scaling and gameplay will be quite a bit different and I imagine it might be harder to find groups for the dungeons/raids should you want to do those.
But I don’t think the quests themselves are really any different.
The whole difference would be raids as heroics would be almost the same as normals on leveling. Cata talents, reforging and other systems give the feeling of how it was back then, compared to Chromie time.
As every classic expansion so far, the main value of the game is playing the content with the system and class design it was intended for
In Retail Chromie cataclysm, you still level much faster so youldn’t get to experience many zones before hitting the level requirements for shadowlands or later conent. Also, the mobs adapt to your level so that the choice when to go where is completely free.
Classic is about the classic experience, the heroics, the raids and a feeling like it was twelve years ago (or close to that feeling).
If you don’t like classic gameplay, you shouldn’t go back. If you just want to experience the story via quests, you can do that with Chromie as long as you keep questing even as a higher level.
Thanks for the responses everyone
Chromie Time → only really world lore
Cata classic → Lore and Gameplay/Class mechanic feeling from cata
Cataclysm gameplay is nothing like “Classic” and closer to retail, though still not exactly the same. The difference is retail scales zones up to the player level while Cataclysm Classic has static zones that are balanced to certain level ranges.
In Cataclysm Deathwing is actually flying around and you can get to experience being occasionally burned alive and seeing your quest givers burn with you. Cataclysm still has some sense of gear progression as you level, unless you have heirlooms. In retail there is no real gear progression because everything scales to player level, it will be a very linear flat line of progression all the way, regardless of where you go or what you do.
I’d probably choose Cataclysm in this situation, unless your goal is to progress this character to the new expansion.
This is ridiculous, you are attributing your own definition to the word classic, and quite far from what it really is.
Classic simply means as it was when first release (or at least close enough). There is no such thing as a generic, all encompassing, “classic” gameplay
What you meant to say is classic cataclysm gameplay is closer to retail than 2004 vanilla wow gameplay. It’s up for debate but it is a fair statement.
Classic cataclysm is classic cataclysm, the the cataclysm expansion in a state close or near identical as it was when released. that is all.
And yes, that means Classic MoP would be 2012 MoP and classic WoD would be 2014 WoD. All are classics in their own way.
Someone who hasn’t played Cataclysm and says they “don’t like classic gameplay” will only have original Classic as a reference point which is nothing remotely close to Cataclysm gameplay, but retail is. By example my Arms Warrior is foundationally the same gameplay in both Cataclysm and Retail, they are extremely similar.
It’s not close to Cataclysm when it released, it’s Cataclysm during the final patch before the MOP Pre-patch. By example the levelling XP required from 80-85 is significantly lower, many specs got big changes.
Classic, for blizzard, simply designated a line of product. Blizzard called classic expansion of the past that are no longer available officially and are being re-released.
But i understand what you mean. You enyoy the gameplay (at least the warrior gameplay) from earlier expansion, that is fair, everyone has his preference, and you are certainly entitled to yours.
However, other class may feel differently. I leveled a paladin back in 2004. Popping seal of crusader and auto attack the mob till dead, no other action, except perhaps healing yourself. Horrendous gameplay, i prefer cata paladin a thousand time over.
How about mage? i’ve raided with mage. You spam frostbolt all night long, and refresh arcane intellect one by one as needed. Mage gameplay now is far more engaging, with a proper rotation.
So you see, it’s a matter of your mileage may vary.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. Cataclysm gameplay is nothing like Vanilla gameplay, but many Cata specs are quite literally what created the foundations for the current retail game, Arms Warrior is one example but there are many others.
You keep saying 2004 too, Vanilla didn’t even release until 2005 in Europe, while Classic (now ERA) is running the late 2006 version of the game, which is drastically different to the 2004 version of the game that was only available in America to begin with.
Stop arguing over pointless semantics if you claim you know what I meant. Cataclysm Classic is nothing like Vanilla gameplay, it is a lot closer to retail and that’s a fact.
When I read this I think you either didn’t read my post at all, or you can’t read english very well and you’re just very confused about what I said.
I lived in the US from 2000 to 2006, in Los Angeles. I’ve first started playing in the open beta in summer 2004 actually. US release was in november 2004.
If you lived in the US for 6 years why are you struggling to understand my posts and keep misunderstanding it? I didn’t word it poorly, it’s not written in a confusing way. I made a post about how Cataclysm and Retail gameplay is similar and you replied by telling me that Vanilla is different, which is what I was saying all along, lmao.
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