it’s either still not possible, 4 years after having the option within the client and or I am simply too stupid to make it happen. Please let it be me being stupid.
No matter how I change up the settings, in either client, it only changes text AND sound, not one different from the other.
Help, please
The same here.
Why, for example, is it not possible to mix German audio with English texts?
In the game there is only the option to mix English and French for the local client, nothing more (why these two of all things?).
In the Blizzard Launcher there are more options to choose from, but without or with the wrong effect: If I set English for text and German for audio, the entire game is in English. What are the options in the game for if they are not implemented consistently?
That should be easy for you. Both German and English text and audio tracks are available.
Please simply activate the option to mix these languages, which are already implemented in the game anyway (text & audio). At least in my case German (audio) ↔ English (text).