Different Vuhdo profiles for party and raid


I have a lot of healer characters and I would like to have a differerent party and raid frames for each of them. Something like:

  • Druid party
  • Druid raid
  • Paladin party
  • Paladin raid

I saw that there is an option to put the group size to load that profile, but I dont know how to tell Vuhdo that it should load the “Druid party” profile (and not the “Paladin party” one) when playing a druid and the group is 5 or less or otherwise the “Druid raid” profile.

Until now I had only one profile for each class, so clicking “apply” on the profile was enough. I dont know if there is the possibility to “apply” two profiles at the same time.

I will be glad to hear any tip. :slight_smile:

Open up Vuhdo settings (minimap) get the profile setup how you want, go to the Tools tab then select the spec and group size you want, and want it to be active on and save it, apply will just apply the current selected profile, which will effectively reset it if you haven’t saved the spec settings yet… You’ll also need to do Key Layouts on the right separately. Then repeat for each different profile you want.

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I have mine set up like this:

I basically have 2 profiles for normal healing and raid healing (I actually have 3 as the normal raid profile is still too big for 40mans, but that’s just personal taste) With the checks under Activate due to group size you can specify when the currently active profile will be automatically loaded.

So in my example the profile Druid is loaded when I’m solo or in a party. And the profile Druid (Raid) is loaded when I’m in a raid of up to 25 people.

I only have 1 heal currently so I’m not 100% sure, but I think the setting is character specific. If it isn’t use the checkboxes to specify the spec aswell.


Thank you both! It worked very nicelly :blush:

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